Meet Me Marissa Kaires

Senior Statement

Hello, I'm Marissa Amelia Kaires. I am getting through my senior year the best I can. A little bit about myself...I was in the Marching Band for four years and my favorite animals are penguins and sharks. Some things I like to do in my free time are read a book and play video games. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family when I can.

I would have to say this year was one of my easiest academically, but it had some ups and downs. Teaching myself English and government was interesting. During all of this I ended up figuring out I like learning this way more than in-person because I can do my assignments without any distractions. I enjoyed all of this year.

One of my favorite things of this year was seeing my friends and the Band. I will always enjoy seeing them all. Some of my favorite people that I got close with will always be there for me and I'll always support them. I am going to miss all of them.