Five Years Forward

Seniors share their thoughts about what their lives will be like in five years

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Where do you think you will be living in five years?


I hope to live in Texas in five years

Not sure

Probably on base somewhere, I'm not sure though

In Giles

Cedar City, Utah

In Honaker

I will probably be living somewhere close to here

Either here in Giles or in North Carolina. My dream has always been to move to North Carolina, but I have mixed feelings about moving away from my hometown and my family

Still Giles County

I will probably be living with my husband in our new home

I hope in Austin, Texas or Breckenridge, Colorado

Probably where I am right now


I will be living in or around the Martinsburg area

Staying in my own place

In an apartment

Near a town or city in the country

In a house

In my own house or in an apartment

I will probably be renting an apartment or be living in a dorm room

In a house by myself


Probably here, but maybe Kansas

In a van

In my own apartment/house, I hope

Probably still here

In a van



In the Giles County area in a beautiful house

Somewhere like Colorado, I hope

Giles County

Probably in or close to a city because I really like the aesthetic and feel of a city

With my sister and my boyfriend

Still at home

Giles County

North Carolina

I am not sure right now, close to home, I hope

I hope to be living in Giles County

I will be on my own fresh out of college, I hope

Charlotte, North Carolina


Craig County or Pearisburg

In my own place on some land

Hampton, VA

In the country somewhere, I hope

In a different state

In Giles close to family

Don’t know to be honest

Giles County

In an apartment

North Carolina

With my parents

Where the army tells me to


Radford, Virginia

Giles County

Hopefully out of Giles


Considering that I will possibly be in college, I think that I will be living in an apartment

I will probably still be living with a few of my friends as we finish up our degrees at Radford

I hope to be living in a nice apartment with a pretty view

I think I will be moved out and will have a good job

Probably not too far from here.

Bill Gates' mansion

What kind of work will you be doing?

Informational Technology

I hope to be doing underwater welding

I'll still be in college

In the Army


Child care

Computer-related work


Helicopter pilot or still be in flight school


I hope to be working in a pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician

Real Estate Agent

Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ

Business, most likely


Automotive work


Probably welding somewhere


Welding/Fabrication work.

Data entry

In the maintenance or cleaning field

I don't know

I will most likely have a part-time job at a veterinarian's office or a shelter

Diesel Mechanic

Corrections Officer

Instrumentation or a Waterfowl and Deer Hunting Guide

I will be doing photography


Mechanical work

etsy Shopkeeper

Casino Worker


Factory work, possibly selling cars with my sister

Work on solar panels and other renewable energy sources

Instrumentation or some kind of electrical work

Preferably psychology, but if I really get into it I could still be in school

Retail for now



Travel Nurse


Postal Service

It will probably take me 6 years to graduate college, but I hope to be working with patients rehabilitating them back to health with some music therapy

Police Officer

Something else besides fast food

Nursing or EMT

Probably working in a factory

Welding and/or woodworking

I honestly don't know

Either what I’m doing now or I would like to be an ironworker

Owning my own towing and wrecker business

Machining somewhere


Mechanic or construction

Serving in the Army

Industry work

I will still be in college, so I will probably have a part-time job


I'll be working as a tattoo artist, I hope

I'm not sure

I think maybe working or assisting with other veterinarians

I will be working for my business degree and I've been thinking about work in real estate

I hope to be doing something related to meteorology

I hope to be doing paramedic work

I hope to be working towards my radiology degree!

Do you think you will have a spouse in five years?

How many children do you think you will have in five years?

What is one thing that you hope to accomplish in five years?

Graduating college

Start my own business

Stay close with my friends

Get through basic training

I hope I will go back and eventually color in my sketches in my Sketchbook

Get a house

I hope to have a well-paying job and a house

Have a stable job

Graduate flight school

Finish turning my truck into the way I want it

I would like to buy a car

Go to college

I hope to have established roots in my Evangelical Ministry

Start my own business

Have a house and a stable job

Graduate college

Get an apartment

I hope to learn more, or as much as I can, about welding

Make a million dollars

Earn my nursing degree

Finish school and have a steady job that I enjoy

Make money

Go to my dream place that I always wanted to visit

Have a somewhat sustainable lifestyle

I hope to graduate from NRCC and transfer to a four year college for a vet program

Go to Lincoln Tech for diesel mechanic

Own a house

Graduate from college and maybe have a house of my own

Start my own business

Open my own salon

Obtain my own house

Travel all 50 states


Build a house

I hope to purchase my own car

Just to better myself as a person

Graduate from high school, then college

Just to feel more accomplished I guess or have a stable living situation

Get a house and a lot of land for my horse Mocha


Get a good, successful job

Have a house on the beach

I hope to have my surgical technician certificate in the next few years

Reach as many goals as I can

Finish college and apply for my Master's degree

Do my best and never give up

Get a new car

Get my paramedic or RN license

Have a house and car in my name

Have a good job

Grow as a person

Have a nice house

I hope to get a job


Own my own wrecker business

Graduate college

Buy a house

Have a place of my own

Complete some college classes

Have a family

I hope to get my Bachelor's degree

Find a stable job

Become at least an apprentice at a tattoo shop

A good job, my own place, my own car

To be successful in what I graduate for

I hope to meet new people and create new relationships

I hope to graduate from college and get a good job

I hope to graduate from paramedic school

I hope to have worked as an X-ray tech for a year and found a hospital who wants to pay for my schooling

Have a steady income

What do you predict will be your most valued possession?

My family and my girlfriend

My truck

I'm not sure

Not sure

My drawings

If I have kids, then my kids. If I don't have kids then my books

My work ethic

I have no clue

My pilot's license

My truck

My class ring

My college degree

Well, aside from Christ, my wife

My family

My house

My 1986 Chevy K10

My car

My gaming system or my phone

My dog

Another dog

My family

Being a high school graduate

If I have a kid it would be the kid, but if I don’t have a kid it will either be my spouse or pets

My yugioh cards

My animals

My house, I don’t really know

A house

My truck or my house, if I have one by then

My van

My car, or a dog

Probably a vehicle

My dog

My friendships

My house

Honestly, I don’t know

Maybe a car

Hopefully a house

Probably whatever music I used to listen to at the time or the little gremlins that I draw

Family and friends

My family

I have no idea

I have no idea

My family

My memories

A newer car

I don't know

My truck that I have now

My degrees

Wife and kids


I'm not sure

Home and family

My home

My “big boy toys”

My 65 Mustang

My own home

My kid

My vehicles

My cars

My aunt's thumbprint on my necklace

I think it would be my grandmother's wedding ring

My wife

A piece of artwork that I made

My car

The ones that I love

My laptop or phone

Either my phone or my car

If I have a house in five years, I think that will be my most-valued possession

My own home, I hope

My football necklace

In five years, when you look back on your senior year at Giles, what do you think you will feel proudest of?

Going into Computer Technology and getting into that field of work


My career in sports

I will feel the proudest of making it through graduation

My drawings

Meeting all of my amazing friends

My computer class

My Welding Certificate

Having graduated high school

My friends

I would be proudest of my softball season and how we worked as a team

Passing High School and making the best of it during a pandemic

I will feel proudest of the patience God has had with me during this year of great decision-making.

I will be proud of myself for the grades I had before senior year


How hard I worked to get where I got

My grades

I most likely won't look back because this year has been crazy. I feel proudest of it finally being my last year in high school

I dont know I will have to think on that

Getting through high school during a pandemic

Being selected in the National Technical Honor Society

Graduating high school

Making new friends with people that I haven’t talked to before

Getting through the school year eventually

Being able to graduate

Going to high school and graduating

My grades throughout the year


Walking the stage

Becoming a cheerleader

Probably my personal football season

Getting out of the school for good

Dapping up Mr. Dickerson


Not catching covid :)


Playing varsity football

Making the friends I did

Graduating, if possible

Placing in color guard



Graduating while holding down a full-time job and buying my own car

How hard I worked in softball

Handling COVID-19 like a boss!

I wanna go back, I'll miss it

I made my senior year the best I could

Making friends and all the memories up to this point


I'm not sure, probably how hard I worked in high school

Getting out

How I impacted other peoples' lives


Being the Class of 21 that had to deal with COVID protocols




Getting out of Giles, going to see and do more

Making honors in welding

I think I will feel proudest of working almost full-time while still in school

Missing almost a full year and still passing

Coming as far as I have


I will feel proudest of the good grades that I have kept up and the many friends that I made

When I look back on my senior year at Giles High School, I think that I would feel most proud that I actually graduated and moved on

I will be proud of my grades because I worked hard to maintain them

I hope I get to compete in State for track and will be proud to look back on it

Graduating a year early

Playing football

What do you think you will remember most fondly?

The fun times with my friends in my Computer Technology class

My welding class

My friends

I'll remember all the friends I made

My classes I took

Doing school at home in my bed

My computer class

My friends

Getting finished

The stupid stuff I did

I will probably remember my softball season most fondly

Not being able to see my classmates due to COVID

Probably giving out Bibles at Christmas or perhaps speaking at the Baccalaureate service

Having fun with my friends

The Tech Center

Seeing my friends every day

Not actually having to go to class

My friends and hanging out with them

Walking across the stage

Welding class and being around my friends


Going through school with COVID-19

Band and lunch

I think I will remember how the Band was able to get over the restrictions of COVID and still do traditions

All the work I had to catch up on

The memories that I made with my friends


Being late to first period every day

The pep rallies

Probably beach week (once it happens)

Skipping first period with Natalie all the time

Ms. Clark's class

Mrs. Clark

The beautiful scenery

Probably lunch with my friends or breakfast

The memories I have made with my friends

The interactions I had with people


My time in Band

Cosmetology class

The friendships I made and graduating

I will definitely remember all the memories my friends and I had throughout the years

The first double play we had in a softball game

The last game on our field in football, and the speech I gave to my brothers!

The best teachers

All the COVID-19 regulations and masks


Good friends

Being able to spend it with Nick

Hanging out with friends outside of school

Marching Band

All the memories

Having to wear a mask



Goofing off most of the year



I think I will remember the struggle of completing school with COVID-19 around

My welding class

All the fun memories with my friends and family

Not making enough friends

I will remember my two best friends most fondly

When I look back, I think I will remember my coaches and the sports I participated in

I will definitely remember all of my friends

The virtual side of learning

Talking to Mrs. Lohr


What hobbies or activities do you think you'll be doing for enjoyment and fun in five years?

Video games and doing fun things with my friends

I do not know

Playing college football

Writing and reading

Swimming or drawing

Having a dog, going for walks, reading

Weightlifting and different sports

Playing PlayStation

Racing dirt bike, riding mountain bikes, and snowboarding

The same as now

I would love to be coaching a younger girls' softball team

Hiking, walking, or photography on the side

Carpentry work, missionary work, and active Evangelism

Writing short stories and having a job

I hope to be on the water or out in the woods

Rebuilding old cars


My hobbies and activities will probably include playing video games or making little projects in welding

Hunting and fishing

Working out and being with friends

Hunting, fishing, and making welding projects at home

Hunting and fishing

I think hiking will become my favorite hobby

Playing video games

Playing my trumpet every so often and training my dogs

Same as now, being outside

Driving cars and four-wheelers

Hunting and fishing

Traveling and seeing the world

Fishing and hunting

Same as now, riding ATVs, fishing, hunting, might pick up paintball


Gaming with the homies


Playing with my baby cousins, my little brother, and throwing balls for my dog across the


Playing my guitar and video games

Outside recreation

Probably the same stuff I'm doing now with whatever other stuff I start doing by then

Art and horseback riding

Cook, gaming, makeup

Doing hair, makeup, and nails

Kayaking, saving Sea Turtles, and listening to the ocean

I plan to be on my feet and have my life and family getting started. For fun, I will be having lots of family time. Things like floating on the river/lake, fishing, camping

Coaching any sports that I can

Weightlifting, exercise, and traveling

Probably chasing criminals

Working on trucks

Hunting and fishing

Working on cars, traveling, just enjoying all the little things

Reading Marvel and DC

Photography and being with family, enjoying life and living my life with Nick

Working on cars

Reading and having fun with friends and family

Still 4x4 with SxS, and hunting and fishing

Going to car shows and working on cars

Hanging out with friends

Basketball and fishing

Hunting and fishing

Football and video games

Pool and corn hole

I think I will still be interested in makeup

Hunting, fishing, taking rides through the mountains

Owning lots of pets & making art

Running, playing flag football and basketball, babysitting

Hiking, taking walks, hanging out with people closest to me

I hope to still be playing tennis and drawing

Drawing, listening to music, and going on road trips

Playing video games and enjoying art

Hiking and thrifting

Fishing and hunting

What advice do you have now for your future self?

Don't lose motivation. Keep looking forward

Chase your dreams

Everything happens for a reason, just stay strong and enjoy the things in front of you

It's okay. You've made it. You'll be okay, just don't forget to breathe. Be thankful for every breath you take. Don't take it for granted that you've made it so far. If no one has told you today, no matter where you are, I'm always going to be proud of us. When you look back on our time, don't wish you had done it differently. Just don't make the same mistakes twice

Help your siblings whenever they need help with something

Don't let people keep taking advantage of you

Never give up

Don't quit

Work hard

Don't screw up

Don't rush through things. Take your time and enjoy the view

Try hard and never give up

Never Give In!!!

Be strong because there is a lot to come

Keep working and be smart with your money

Work hard at whatever the future holds

Keep on the grind and get that dream car

Break all the bad habits you have now

Save money

Don't live in the past, stay in the present, live in the moment, and be proud of yourself

Don't quit when you fail. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying

Good luck

Just keep working hard and just enjoy life

Don't be so lazy

Be yourself. Don’t change yourself for anyone

Just keep working hard and you will be okay

Money is not the most important thing

Do what you know is best for you

Go for your dreams and don't let anyone hold you back from what you want to do with your life. Money isn't everything

Don't let someone control you because you will miss out on a lot

Don't put things off until it's too late, even if you feel your plate is full

Keep your focus on what you want in life

Do what you’re supposed to do

Keep going

Believe in yourself

Don’t let others trample you and stand up for yourself

Keep motivated and all your achievements will happen. Life is tough, but keep going

I believe in you, man. Try not to be like me

Don't get side-tracked. It doesn't help in the long run

Don’t wait for other people

Always focus on your main, true goals. Never let anything or anyone bring you down

Stay strong and never think you can't do things

Don’t give up

Don't do stupid things

Do not let anyone control you and always work hard for yourself

You really can get through anything if you strive to do so

Never stop looking up

Save money

No matter how stressed you get, always keep trying and keep succeeding

Be open to new opportunities, don’t let anything slip away. Just do it

Make a well-thought-out plan and stick to it

Try harder

Make good money

Just do the best you can and don't give up

Keep grinding

Never give up, work hard

Be self-disciplined

When things get hard, keep going until you reach what you want

Do your best

Keep pushing

Work hard for what you want and remember nothing in life is free

Try your hardest and never give up no matter how hard things get

Stay a kid while you can!!!!!

Keep pushing forward

Don't be like you are now

Try harder and never give up

Do not give up. Keep your determination

Stay on top of your work and do not fall behind

Hard work will always pay off

Stay motivated and keep trying to reach your goals

Do what makes you happy!