We often say “Sweet dreams,” but have you ever wondered why we dream? Some say that dreaming is our brain’s way of exercising. While we sleep, our brain may be testing the connections and pathways to see if they are working well. Others believe that dreaming is our brain’s way of sorting out problems. Problems that have not been addressed during the day are sometimes resolved in our sleep. Yet another explanation is that dreaming is our brain’s way of fixing and organizing all the information we have. While sleeping, our brains have a chance to sort out the information that we want to keep from the stuff we no longer want. Still another idea is that dreams are just another form of thinking. Will we ever get to know the answer to this question? Maybe we should sleep on it.

Reference: Adapted from http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/dream1.htm; http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine/what-are-dreams