You can do almost everything with Google Slides.  Here are some ways you can very creative with your slide decks. 

By assigning Slides in Classroom and choosing "Student can edit file," you can have each student create their own slide to share with their class.  Like this one, where students created a video about an autobiography they read, and left each other positive comments.

Biography Book Project

Students of all ages are familiar with the format of popular sites and social media. Why not turn that knowledge into a way to demonstrate their learning. For example, checkout Matt Miller's "Amazin" product page template (and others). 

Great Slides templates from Ryan O'Donnell @creativeedtech

In this example, students were given a template and tasked with creating an informational brochure on Tobacco.  Using various design tools, students created brochures worthy of distributing to their loved ones.

Tobacco Brochure Template - MARK

Still looking for reasons to use Google Slides, take a look my "More Than Just Presentations" presentation:

Google Slides- More Than Just Presentations