
Loom has whitelisted our @cftigers.org domain, so you now have access to Loom Pro for free. You can create an account here, and will receive an automated email confirmation. Make sure you're logging in to Loom with your school email to access these features. You can add the Loom extension to your Chrome browser here.

All other teachers and students using this domain should be automatically upgraded if they have an existing account or will be granted access once they sign up. If not, you can request an education account here.

In lieu of sharing the link directly from Loom, download the video to your Google Drive and upload it to your Google Classroom from your Drive. Feel free to check out our help center for best practices, FAQs and troubleshooting tips. If you'd like to see how other teachers are using Loom take a look at our education blog post and be sure to share these resources with your team!

Loom Tutorials

ReComputer Audio

If you creating a Loom and you are wanting to play a video with sound, you need to choose "Current Tab" and check the box to "Include Tab Audio."

Sharing a Loom

If you create a video on Loom and share it with a colleague AND that colleague wants to share it with students, Do Not use the Invite People button. This will only allow you to share it with those you invite, making the video private. If you then copy and paste that link anywhere it will ask the additional people for a password to get in. There is no password.

To share with your classroom Do not invite anyone on Loom.

In Privacy:

  1. Click on the drop down arrow

  2. Click on Public

  3. You should then see : Link Sharing, Only people with the link can see your video

Just copy the link and post it wherever you desire. Everyone you want to have access will have access.

Note: In Link Sharing, Invite People should have zero people in it.

Using Your Loom Video in an Edpuzzle

  1. Start by recording your video using Loom.

  1. Once you finish recording your Loom video, you’ll need to click the 3 dot menu and choose to Download your video.

  1. Then, go to Edpuzzle and sign in with your Google account as a teacher.

  1. Click “Add Content,” and “Upload a video.”

  1. Choose your video file.

  1. Wait for it to process, and when it’s done, you’re ready to add notes, voice overs, and questions!

record a lesson with loom

If you are looking for a way to record yourself teaching a lesson at the front of the classroom, a few option changes would make Loom a great fit.

First, set up your classroom chromebook on the first desk facing you.

Second, use the camera only option, and under advanced options uncheck "Flip Camera." The camera only option records full size (even if it doesn't look like it).

Third, record your lesson, which could be an entire class period.

Finally, share it to Google Classroom via the link..