May 2021 edition

Welcome to Tiger One, the online collection of K-12 technology resources that can be integrated into any classroom.

Preparing for next year and looking for some plans to supplement your lesson or have at your fingertips to share with a sub? Check out these premade lessons from Educator Tools at INFOhio and eLearning Lessons at Edulastic! ~TL

This year has stretched us all in ways we never thought possible. On this padlet, PLEASE share one tip, strategy, or instructional design framework that you learned this year that worked with your classes. You never know who else it might help! ~AO

What is Padlet? Find out more here.

Google Earth has fully integrated Timelapse into their existing platform. View their themed collections and prerendered videos, or search for any location, and see the changing landscape from the past 37 years at ~AO

Control your Google Slides presentation from your phone with the Remote for Slides extension. On your phone, visit, enter the 6 digit code, and control your slides, view your speaker notes, and check your timer. ~AO

Rewards and incentives in classrooms don't have to be cheap tack-ons for the sake of "gamification"--they can empower students to take charge of their own educational goals. Additionally, here some Best Practices for Gamification in Schools. ~AO