April 2021 edition

Welcome to Tiger One, the online collection of K-12 technology resources that can be integrated into any classroom.

Have some hands-on fun with with your students making these paper creations for Mother's Day envelopes, learning about and measuring 3D shapes, building cell cities, or anything else you and your students can think of! ~AO

Virtually Explore the World with synchronous learning opportunities and recorded videos (some 360 degree videos) organized by subject. ~AO

A Soft Murmur is an online background noise generator designed to help you, and your students, relax, focus, and/or tune out unpleasant sounds from your environment.

Try asoftmurmur.com to generate relaxing sounds:

Google Slides, Drawings, and Jamboard have so many uses. This venn diagram should help you decide which tool to use when. ~AO

Looking for a platform to have your students research and debate topics? Checkout Kialo Edu.