September 2018 edition

Welcome to Tiger One, the online collection of K-12 technology resources that can be integrated into any classroom.

Actively Learn is an online literacy platform that helps students overcome the barriers to reading for depth. ~AO

  • Find exactly what you need and discover articles and videos that pair with your core content.
  • Grade less but keep the rigor.
  • Manage your texts from one place.

Looking for a new way to "hook" your students to start a lesson? Try ClassHook, where you can search for educational video clips from thousands of TV shows and movies. Choose your grade level, narrow your clip length, and embed the clip on a Google Slides bell ringer or within a Google Site. ~AO

Do you have classroom items, such as cameras, books, or devices that need to be checked in or out? Are you looking for a simple way keep track of it? Try the CheckItOut Add-on for Google Forms. ~AO

FYI: I used YTcropper to create a link to just a portion of the full, 37 minute video.

See more about Google Expeditions VR and AR here. ~AO