New Ideas

Story Line Online, a website by the Screen Actors Guild is a beautiful site, not only for preschool and grade school, but for all ages because of its terrific artwork by award winning artists/illustrators. It is excellent for English Language Learners and Special Ed students of ALL ages. ~EA (March 2017)

Computer Jargon Research

Looking for something to peak students' interest, and have them show off their information literacy and tech knowledge? How about starting with this Computer Jargon word search (and key) from, and then having the student choose one term to research that they didn't already know. Then, on a collaborative Google Slide presentation, each student can create a slide and add the term, a picture, it's definition, and the role it plays.

Technology can help us provide equity to all students.

~AO (Feb 2017)

Creating Writing Prompts with Emojis

Who doesn't love those cute little emojis filling social media? Ever think about creating writing prompts with just pictures? How about just emojis? Emojis are one of the languages our students speak so why not embrace them and create some writing prompts (or other forms of communication) with them? Check out Eric Curts blog post on Emoji Writing Prompts with Google Sheets. Your kids will love you for it. ~KG (Jan 2017)