May 2024

Welcome to Tiger One, the online collection of K-12 technology resources that can be integrated into any classroom.

Having a written AI policy is something that can go a long way to establishing expectations with your students. Consider adding one of these options to your syllabus for next fall: 

Syllabus Considerations AI

As educators, one of our primary goals is to prepare students for their future. Like it or not, our students' future employment is going to involve some sort of AI. "AI is not going to replace humans, but humans with AI are going to replace humans without AI.”  

"In the past year, the idea of using artificial intelligence to support teacher workload has gone viral. AI isn’t a distant concept anymore, it’s our current reality. But while generating fresh lesson plans, quizzes, and graphic organizers is a starting point, it isn’t using generative AI to its full potential. Ready to do more with AI? Check out this framework that guides us through the stages of technology integration."

Here is a useful graphic for understanding the do's and don't of AI for teachers. Our tech team also sat down and discussed what our prohibitions and permissions would be.  ~AO

On May 7th, we held optional AI PD Workshops to demonstrate how AI can save you a lot of time and energy in your personal life over your summer break, and how you can begin thinking about using it in the classroom:

If you were unable to attend, here is a recording of the Secondary Session with Alex Oris and the presentation.