Summer 2024 edition

Welcome to Tiger One, the online collection of K-12 technology resources that can be integrated into any classroom.

End of Year Technology Reminders:

1) ParentSquare End of Year Tasks

As you wind down the 2023-24 school year, we need you to complete a few tasks in ParentSquare to prepare for summer and the next school year. Christine Steward created this sheet to help you "clean house" in ParentSquare. When you click on the link, it will force you to make a copy so you can have your own copy to help you manage your tasks.  

Please note the following information:

2) Clean Up Google Classroom Before You Go

At the end of each school, it is important for teachers to ARCHIVE (not delete) any classes that aren't wrapping around to the following year. This isn't just an important step for the digital classroom organization for teachers, but it is critical for students as well.  Why? Because students are no longer able to unenroll or archive their own classes. Don't worry, all of the information and assignments will be saved, and be "Re-used" next year, it's just that the class is hidden from view. ~AO

3) Teacher Computers

Laptops: If you are taking your laptop home over the summer, make sure you fill out this form as part of your building's end of year procedure (only needs to be filled out once). 

Other Classroom Technology: Chromebooks, chargers, documents cameras, portable DVD drives, etc, should remain locked up in your classrooms over the summer. 

Desktops: Teacher desktops are nearing end of life (both functionally and for security). They operate at about 1/10 of the performance of your teacher laptop, which was purchased to replace your desktop. The technology department can no longer support desktop repairs. So, you should begin thinking about and preparing for how your classroom might be setup without it. If you are still using a teacher desktop as a workstation, it would be a good idea to backup your files to your Google Drive. Here's how. ~AO

Back up the files on your computer to Google Drive.

Summer PD Opportunities:

Summer 2024 (Cohort 2)

CFCSD is committed to supporting teachers' use of intentional and meaningful digital tools for instruction in our schools. Our Instructional Menu for Digital Tools lists our district-wide, approved, and supported tools that were chosen so students and guardians can have consistency and develop competency within them.  In this course, you’ll be able to select some of the tools you wish to learn more about and apply what you’ve learned with coaching support. Learn more here. 

You are invited to the 2024 KEEP Academy. This year, we are offering two unique formats: 

Our theme this year is “Reimagining.” Planning is underway with expected sessions on topics including intentional use of technology, teacher/ student wellness, gifted, assessment literacy and high-quality student data, diversity & inclusive excellence, and more! CEUs, High Quality Gifted PD hours, and Graduate Credit are available. The online academy and synchronous book studies are free to attend for teachers from member districts. 

Be sure to mark your calendar, and keep an eye on, where we’ll post more details and registration information ahead of the event.


Fill out the form below to register for the conference. The conference is free!

Registration Form - Google Form link

SPARCC is proud to once again host our annual EdTech Conference! This year the conference will be bigger and better than ever as we are partnering with our Stark County Educational Service Center colleagues and their annual High Impact Conference for Educators (HICE).

Summer 2024 registration is now open.

Learn wherever you are this summer with their online workshops!

Their credit workshops are available for 1, 2, or 3 undergraduate or graduate credits, which include technology training, educational practice, conflict management, stress relief, grant writing, mental excellence, and more!

If you need help choosing a workshop to improve your professional practice, meet the goals of your Individual Professional Development Plan, or get started with your master's degree through one of their cohort programs, contact