What Is Schoology?

A comprehensive teaching and learning platform.

Schoology is a full functioning learning management system that brings curriculum, resources, communication, and collaboration into one easy-to-navigate online platform for teachers, students, and parents alike!

CCPS has field tested Schoology throughout the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year and provided professional learning opportunities this summer for high school teachers who teach identified master courses or chose to opt in to use Schoology with students for the 2021-2022 school year.

Benefits of Using Schoology

Teacher Benefits

eSchool will be fully integrated with Schoology to manage all course rostering and archiving of courses based on CCPS marking periods. This will alleviate the need for teachers to manually add/remove students from courses AND courses will automatically archive for teachers at the end of a marking period.
Schoology provides grade pass back to eSchool, which will eliminate the need for double entry of grades on assignments. Grading tools enable teachers to access student work, easily switch between submissions, provide written and video feedback, and record grades within the same window.
Schoology allows for better organization of course materials into folders and subfolders. Teachers can move older materials and assignments to another folder to make it easier for students to focus on daily/weekly assignments.
Teachers can differentiate assignments, provide organizable lessons and self-paced learning opportunities. Teachers can use student completion rules to provide access to materials and can assign content to individual students or to grading groups.

Teachers can link sections of courses together for easy distribution of materials, announcements, and assignments across multiple sections.
Schoology provides options for threaded class discussions, interactive assessments, and full integration with a variety of 3rd party tools.
CCPS integrations have already been established with Google Apps, O365, Discovery Education, eSchool, Turnitin, EdPuzzle, PearDeck, Equatio, etc
Teachers will be able to easily share content, curriculum, and resources between one another and make it easier to provide quality learning assets within one platform.
Teachers can implement student badges as another method of reinforcement and recognition.
CCPS can now purchase content from textbook vendors that is designed to work within Schoology, thereby making it easier to integrate digital content into instruction and curriculum.
Teachers will be able to add additional staff members into their courses with different level access and permissions than the teacher of record.
Teachers will also be able to use the workload planning feature to better plan assignments/assessments with due dates so students can have a more manageable workload among their courses.
Teachers will be able to take professional learning courses, participate in professional learning groups, and provide classroom instruction within the same platform.

Student Benefits

Schoology has a robust app for both Android and iOS devices which allows for course notifications and access to assignments and content.
Students will be able to work within ONE environment for all of their assignments. Schoology will bring 3rd party tools into their learning environment instead of needing to manage multiple tabs for multiple external links.
Students can quickly filter for specific material types within their courses.
Students can easily add audio/visual submissions for class assignments.
No more join codes. Students are automatically added to their courses. Students will also be able to message teachers directly from within their learning platform.
All due dates and events from courses, groups, and school will feed into one calendar.
Students can access all of their grades (across all Schoology courses) within one Grade Report area. Home Access will still be used to show course grade.
Schoology provides students with a personal ePortfolio that will allow for collecting, sharing, and showcasing their student work.

Getting Started with Schoology

Logging In

Schoology Video Tutorials

Basic Navigation

Covers the basic navigation of Schoology (1:37)

Editing Profile

Learn how to edit your Schoology profile (1:09)

Editing Settings

Learn how to edit your Schoology settings (4:02)

Adding a Folder

Learn how to create a folder in a Schoology course or in Resources (2:08)

Create Assignment

Learn how to create a Schoology assignment (3:37)

Assignment Using Google

Learn how to create a Schoology assignment using the Google Drive App (3:10)

Adding a Link, File, or External Tool

Learn how to add a file, link, or external tool (3:20)


Help is a click away!

Schoology offers a wealth of information and resources through its support website. Find assistance for teachers, students and parents!