
Make your Meet Sessions More Engaging!

The recent update of Google Meet "Activities" allows teachers to do more with students. Under the Activities tab, teachers can now:

  • break students into smaller, collaborative groups with Breakout Rooms.

  • poll students.

  • initiate Q&A sessions.

Breakout Rooms

Breakout Rooms is a feature available to G Suite Enterprise for Education users.

  • Moderators can use Breakout Rooms to divide participants into smaller groups during Meet sessions. NOTE: It is a CCPS policy that an adult CCPS staff member must be present in every active Meet session.

  • Moderators must start the Breakout Rooms from a computer.

  • The Host of the Meet is the Moderator and there can only be one Moderator per meeting.

  • Breakout Rooms currently can't be recorded.

  • Participants can be placed in Breakout Rooms if they are joining from a computer or from the mobile Meet app.

  • If participants aren't signed in to their Google accounts or dial in a Meet from their phone, they will not be able to be assigned to a Breakout Room and their names will appear under "Cannot be assigned."

Create Breakout Rooms

To create Breakout Rooms, the Host/Moderator...

  1. Clicks the "Activities" icon in the Google Meet menu bar and selects "Breakout Rooms".

  2. Choose the number of Breakout Rooms by clicking the arrows (users are able to create up to 100 Breakout Rooms in a session).

  3. Randomly distribute participants into rooms by selecting "Shuffle" or type or drag and drop names from the "Main Call" list into desired rooms (see GIF). To reset the Breakout Rooms and put all participants back in the "Main Call", click "Clear".

  4. When satisfied with the rooms, click the "Open Rooms" button in the bottom right corner

Moderator/Host View

Once you've created Breakout Rooms, you will see the following banner appear at the top of your main Meet screen:

From the Breakout Rooms button under the Activities tab, the Moderator/Host will see the following:

The Host/Moderator has the ability to join any of the Breakout Rooms created.

  • Using the Breakout Room tab, the host can easily click "Join" to hop to other rooms or select "Leave" to instantly return to the Main Meet room. The room the Host is in will be highlighted in green (see image below).

  • Moderators won't see chat messages that were exchanged between participants before they join or after they leave a breakout room.

  • Host Controls would need to be individually set for each of the Breakout Rooms.

  • The Host/Moderator CANNOT monitor all rooms at the same time. A CCPS adult would need to be in each of the created Breakout Rooms.

When the Host/Moderator is ready to bring all participants back together in the Main Meet room, he/she can select the "Close Rooms" button from the Breakout Rooms tab. The Host/Moderator will be prompted with a message (see below) to confirm closing the rooms.

NOTE: Each Breakout Room will prompt students with a message to return to the Main Meet room. If the students do not click this, they will remain in the Breakout Room. If chat was opened, chat would still be accessible for students.

Student/Participant View

Once a participant has been assigned to a Breakout Room, and the Host/Moderator has opened the rooms, each participant will be prompted with a message to Join the particular Breakout Room.

NOTE: If a participant dials in to the call from a phone, they will not be able to join Breakout Rooms.

NOTE: If a participant clicks “Cancel,” they'll remain in the Main room. At the top, next to “Invited to Breakout #,’ then can click Join to enter the room.

Once joined, participants will see a banner at the top of their Breakout Room Meet screen like the one below:

In a Breakout Room, participants still have access to chat, the whiteboard feature, and all other normal Meet functions. The Host/Moderator would have to join each Breakout Room to set specific Host Controls to their preference.

NOTE: Breakout Rooms are unable to be recorded at this time and an adult CCPS staff member must be present in each room.

If the Host/Moderator edits the Breakout Rooms and moves a participant to a new room, that participant will be prompted with the following message on his/her screen.

If the Host/Moderator closes all Breakout Rooms, then each participant will be prompted with the following message on his/her screen.

NOTE: If the participant does not click "Join" or "Return to main call" then he/she will remain in the Breakout Room.


Get Instant Feedback!

  • As a meeting Host/Moderator, you can create polls for participants to vote on.

  • This is great feature for formative feedback, assessing prior knowledge, skill checks, and much more during your Google Meet sessions with students!

  • All poll questions are limited to multiple choice with a maximum of ten options for participants to choose from.

NOTE: You must use the web version of Google Meet to launch or respond to polls.

New Feature - Fall 2022!

  • Hosts will not have the ability to toggle an option so meeting participants can answer polls anonymously.

  • Anonymous polls will be OFF by default and can be turned on by hosts and co-hosts when sharing a poll.

Create and Launch a Poll

  1. In a Meet, click Activities and then click Polls.

  2. Click Start a Poll.

  3. Enter a question and add options (up to 10) for the poll.

  4. Click Launch to post your poll and make it live for participants.

  5. Click Save to save your poll so you can launch it later.

NOTE: Polls you save remain listed under Polls.

Saved Poll

Notice that a Saved Poll has the option to "Edit" and to "Launch". If you wish to delete a poll, select the trash can icon.

NOTE: No one can view deleted polls.

Live Poll

Notice that there is a indicator that the Poll is live and accepting votes, as well as a vote count next to each option. The user also has a button to end the poll.

NOTE: Even when a poll has ended, participants can still view the poll.

Accessing Poll Results

After a Meet session has ended, the Host/Moderator is emailed a report for any polls conducted in the meeting. The report includes the names and answers of the meeting participants.


  1. Open the poll report email

  2. Click the report attachment (Google Sheet). The report shows each student's name and what they answered for each poll.

  3. If more than one poll was conducted, you can use the Sheet tab pages at the bottom to go from question to question. If analyzing results of a specific question, you will also see the timestamp for when each student submitted his/her response.

Poll Report Email

Poll Report Data

Student/Participant View

Participants get notified when a Poll is launched by the Meeting Host/Moderator. A message appears in the bottom right corner of their screen, and a small green dot appears on the participant's Activities button in the Meet menu bar.

To access the poll, participants simply click Activities, then Polls. They should be able to see any launched polls in the window.

Ready to Vote


NOTE: Once a vote is submitted, participants cannot change their responses.

See All Results

Q & A

Organize & Manage Your Questions!

  • As a meeting Host/Moderator, you can launch Q&A sessions for your participants.

  • Using Host Controls, teachers could turn off Chat and launch a Q&A session instead, allowing the teacher the ability to hide, delete, or upvote questions sent.

  • Anyone in the Meet session can ask questions.

  • All questions are visible unless the Host/Moderator hides or deletes them.

  • All questions have a 300 character max.

  • After a meeting, the Host/Moderator will get a detailed report of all the questions via a Google Sheet.

NOTE: You must use the web version of Google Meet to ask questions.

Turning Q&A On/Off and Asking a Question

To turn on Q&A:

  1. In a Meet, click Activities and then click Q&A.

  2. Click Turn on Q&A.

Participants will get this notification when a Q&A session has started:

Anyone in Meet is able to ask questions once the Host/Moderator has turned on Q&A. To Ask a question:

  1. Click Activities and then click Q&A.

  2. Click Ask a question in the lower right corner of the window.

  3. Enter your question and click Post.

Once a question has been asked, participants will get this notification:

When the Host/Moderator turns off the Q&A Session, participants will get this notification:

Viewing and Managing Questions

The Host/Moderator has the ability to filter questions, mark questions answered, and hide any questions.

To filter questions, next to "All Questions", click the down arrow and select on of the options:

      • All Questions

      • Unanswered Questions

      • Answered Questions

      • Hidden Questions

NOTE: Participants can only filter by all questions or questions they asked.

To upvote a question, click Upvote (thumbs up).

To mark a question answered, click Answered (check mark). Only the Host/Moderator can mark questions as answered.

To hide a question, click Hide (eye). Only the Host/Moderator has the ability to hide questions.

To delete a question, click Delete (trashcan).

NOTE: Hosts/Moderators can delete anyone's question. Participants can only delete their own question. The Host/Moderator can see all deleted questions and who asked them in the Questions report emailed to them after the Meeting.

To sort questions by popularity or chronologically, next to "Popular", click the down arrow and select an option.

Accessing & Viewing a Questions Report

After a meeting, the Host/Moderator is emailed a Questions report.

The report includes any questions asked, hidden, or deleted along with the names of the participants in the form of a Google Sheets.

These reports get automatically saved in the Host/Moderator's Google Drive in a folder called "Meeting Reports" and in a subfolder named with the Meeting ID.

Q&A Report Email

Q&A Report