
The letters and descriptions below correspond to the labeled image above.

  • Click the "New" button to start a new folder, file upload, or Google Doc, Sheet, Slide, etc.

  • Clicking the button will place the new asset wherever you are located in your Drive (i.e. a specific folder).

  • Priority - allows you quick access to the files you use frequently.

  • My Drive - gives you direct access to your folders and files in your Drive.

  • Shared with me - poses as a filter and gives you access to folders and files that have been shared with you.

  • Recent - allows access to files you most recently accessed.

  • Starred - allows access to files you have favorited or "starred".

  • Trash - access recently deleted files or folders; items will be deleted forever once deleted from the trash can or after 30 days.

  • Storage - shows you the files that are taking up the most space in your Drive.

The Quick Access bar at the top of your Drive provides you easy access to your most recently accessed or popularly accessed files. You can turn off showing Quick Access in your Drive settings.

This section of Google Drive is where your folders and files are located.

  • Folders will appear in alphabetical order

  • You can color code folders

  • You can use emojis in the folder name to place them at the top of the list

  • Files can be dragged and dropped into files for sorting

  1. General Settings

  • Storage - view storage details and the items in your Drive that are taking up the most space

  • Convert Uploads - determine whether you want files (i.e. Word) to be automatically converted to their Google counterpart (i.e. Docs) upon upload.

  • Language - choose your Drive's default language.

  • Density - control how much space appears between items in the list of documents.

  • Suggestions - alter additional settings:

      • make relevant files handy when you need them in Quick Access.

      • surface important people and files in Shared With Me.

      • make Priority my default home page.

  1. Notifications Settings

  • Browser - determine your preference on getting updates about Google Drive items in your browser.

  • Email - determine your preference on getting all updates about Google Drive items via email.

  1. Manage Apps Settings

  • View all apps you've connected to your Google Drive and manage preferences.

  • Use this toggle to switch the view of your Google Drive between grid view and list view.