Instructional Uses

Instructional Uses

Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms can be created ahead of time through Google Meet! This allows you to create collaborative groups for classes or professional learning groups than on Google Meet randomly assigning groups!

Appointment Slots

Parent-Teacher Conferences can be set up through Google Appointment Slots! You can create Google Meets for the appointments or you can have parents meet you in your classroom. Setting up conferences with guardians/parents never has been easier!

Individualizing your Google Calendar View

Choose which Google Calendars you would like to see from your main screen. This allows you to only see the calendars that are important to you. For example, you can choose to only see your Google Classroom calendars. From this view, you can see which assignments are due for each of the classes you teach.

Creating New Calendars

Create a new calendar with your PLC, Team, or any group you want! Then, create unique calendar settings for your new calendar.

Changing Ownership of Events

Now, you can change ownership of your event in your Google Calendar! If you’re no longer responsible for an event you created, assign it to someone else to keep the event in place. They can then change the event as needed.

Quick Access in Google Calendar

Quick Access can be set through Google Calendar. If the Quick Access control is turned OFF, then the teacher or the adult CCPS employee must enter the Meet before students. Students must request access to the Meet. Once admitted, if the student leaves and rejoins while the Meet is still in session, they will not need to be readmitted. For more information on Quick Access, go to the ITT page on Host Controls.