What is Kami?

  • Kami is an extension that enhances the use and functionality of Google Classroom.

  • Many teachers have a wealth of resources all ready to use with students as Microsoft Office 365 files or PDFs; however, delivering these file types as assignments poses a problem, as students cannot type or annotate on those files to submit their work and answers. This is where Kami saves the day!

  • With the Kami extension installed for both teachers and students, teachers can deliver "Kami Assignments" that allow students to annotate, text, etc. on assignment files that aren't Google files and turn-in directly to the teacher.

  • Teachers then can use the "grade with Kami" option to see the students' work and grade right in Google Classroom!

  • Watch the videos to get a general overview on the features Kami has to offer!

The image below shows the tool box of features offered in Kami. The features with yellow lock symbols. are premium features. The features without the yellow lock symbol are free features. CCPS has secured subscriptions for all teachers and their students. This means that all

Kami For Teachers

Kami & Google Classroom:

  • Kami works seamlessly with Google Classroom. Once the extension is installed, which should already be deploed for all teahcers and students, teachers are able to "create a Kami assignment". This allows teachers to deliver an assignment that is automatically converted to a PDF file and that can be easily used in the Kami app for students (and teachers) to interact directly on the files.

  • Through a Kami Assignment, teachers can still set the permissions to either "view only", "can edit", or "make a copy for each student."

  • When grading, teachers can simply enter a student's file and see an option on the grading window on the right that says "Grade with Kami."

  • When this option is selected, teachers can annotate on the file, leaving visual or even auditory feedback for students! The possibilities are endless with Kami!

  • Watch the video for a brief tutorial of the teacher and student experiences with Kami in Google Classroom!

Kami Tutorial Videos

Kami - What Is It & Using the Extension.mp4

How Does It Work? & Using the Kami Extension

Creating Kami Assignments .mp4

Creating Kami Assignments

Grading with Kami - Teacher & Student Views.mp4

Grading with Kami

Uploading a Kami File as an Attachment.mp4

Uploading a Kami Assignment

Kami and Google Drive - Folders & Files.mp4

Kami and Google Drive - Folders & Files

Saving vs. Downloading Kami Annotations.mp4

Saving vs. Downloading Kami Annotations

Turning in a Kami Assignment.mp4

Turning in a Kami Assignment

Learning the Kami Tools

Comments Tool.mp4

Comment Tool

Dictionary Tool.mp4

Dictionary Tool

Drawing Tool.mp4

Drawing Tool

Equation Editor Tool.mp4

Equation Editor Tool

Eraser Tool.mp4

Eraser Tool

Images Tool.mp4

Images Tool

Markup Tool.mp4

Markup Tool

Rich Text Editor.mp4

Rich Text Editor Tool

Select Tool.mp4

Select Tool

Shapes Tool.mp4

Shapes Tool

Signature Tool.mp4

Signature Tool

Text to Speech.mp4

Text to Speech Tool

Kami "How-To" Playlist

Watch or share this playlist of videos for using individual Kami tools and features!

A playlist will play all videos within the list without stopping. To skip certain videos, select the button in the top right corner of a video and scroll through the list to find the one you wish to view.

Kami For Students

Supporting Students

  • Students will need the Kami extension to work with PDF and Microsoft Office files as assignments in Google Classroom. This extensions should be deployed to all staff and student accounts.

  • Check out the step by step guide below, or click here to make your own copy, for helping your students get set-up and comfortable with Kami.

Remote Learning using Kami with Google Classroom