Digital Citizenship

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

Our technology goals as a system are to lead and help others in fostering positive digital experiences in school and everyday life, understand that our digital actions may have consequences to others, and ultimately engage with digital tools and resources in a manner that is positive for all.

Digital Access

Distribute technology and online resources in an equitable manner and understand the culture of your school to see if resources need to be provided at home .

Digital Commerce

Understand the ins and outs of dealing with money, whether that be buying, selling, banking, etc., in the digital space.

Digital Communication & Collaboration

Understand that all users of technology must define how their ideas and thoughts will be communicated and understood by others, as it is a powerful tool to express oneself freely.

word cloud including words about digital etiquette

Digital Etiquette

Understand that every digital action can have a consequence and that one must always consider others when using digital devices.

Digital Fluency

Become versatile in the digital world by exploring and using various digital tools where one sees fit, thus becoming "digitally fluent and literate".

Digital Health & Welfare

Determine the appropriate amount of screen time to keep your mind healthy and your life balanced.

image of cell phone with law symbols behind

Digital Law

Understand electronic responsibility of rules and policies that address issues related to the online world.

Digital Rights & Responsibility

Be cognizant of potential issues or problems regarding digital resources and inform others of these issues.

magnifying glass with privacy under the lens

Digital Security & Privacy

Understand and be aware of digital attacks such as viruses, worms, etc. that can spread through devices like an illness and be educated in ways to prevent them.