Host Controls for Google Meet

The newly released "Host Controls" provide the option for hosts (teacher owners) to determine who can:

  • Invite others to the Meet

  • Join anonymously

  • Dial out of a Meeting

  • Share their Screen

  • Send Chat Messages

To activate these settings, click the three dots from within a Meet session, select "Settings," and click "Host Controls." Toggle the switches to your preference.

The settings can also be easily accessed by clicking the "Host Controls" button that appears in the sidebar window or by clicking the blue shield icon in the bottom bar of the Meeting screen.

Host Control Specifics

Quick Access Control

If the Quick Access control is turned OFF, then a student must request access to the Meeting. Once admitted, if the student leaves and rejoins while the Meeting is still in session, he or she will not need to be readmitted.

Share Their Screen Control

  • When turned ON, only the host teacher is able to present content.

  • When turned OFF, anyone in the Meet is able to present content.

Send Chat Messages Control

  • When turned ON, anyone in the Meet is able to send and receive chat messages. (See second GIF).

  • When turned OFF, only the host teacher is able to type and send messages to the class in the chat. Students can see the chat, but cannot type in the text box. (See first GIF).

  • There is also a toggle switch that appears in the sidebar window for teachers to easily turn the chat ON and OFF.