Instructional Uses

In Three Words

  • Create a form with a short answer question. Have respondents describe something in three words. For example, respondents could:

Describe Carroll County Public Schools in three words.

  • Gather all words from responses and create a Wordle. If you have not used Wordle before, here is how it works:

      • Build a graphic based on text responses.

      • When a word is repeated more often, that word is represented larger in the graphic.

      • The graphic can then be saved as an image file and used in resource content.

Progress Monitoring

Create a form to quickly gather data on student progress and/or behavior. As the form is filled out, responses populate in a Google Sheet that is linked to the form, which can then be furthered filtered, sorted, and analyzed to make instructional decisions!

Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms are all the rage among students today! They are fairly easy to create and don't require many supplies such as locks, boxes, or maps like physical escape rooms require.

Click here or the image to the left to navigate to our Breakout Rooms page for full details on how to get started!

Choose Your Own Adventure

  • Use Google Forms, the multiple choice question option, and sections to create a Create Your Own Adventure (CYOA) story for your students!

  • Click the first button below the video to see an example!

  • Keeping your form organized is key - use the planning template linked under the video to assist you when creating your very own CYOA!