Navigating & Getting Started

Creating a Class

Creating a Classroom.mp4
  1. Open the Classroom App from the App Launcher

  2. On the landing page, select the "+" icon in the top right corner

  3. Select "Create A Class"

  4. Provide the details for your class: Name, Section, Subject, & Room (if you like)

  5. Click "Create"

  6. A classroom tile is now created and it automatically places you on the "Stream" of your Class where you can customize the theme of your class.

  7. Additionally, once a Classroom is created, Google automatically creates a folder for each teacher and student that joined the class!

Navigating Google Classroom

The Stream

  • The Stream is where teachers and students "land" when clicking on a Classroom tile.

  • The Stream is similar to a discussion board, where teachers/students can post questions or comments and can respond to one another.

  • New Assignments and Materials, when posted, will also show up in the Stream.

  • The Stream also as an area where students and teachers alike can see upcoming assignments that have due dates.

  • Teachers can alter the rights to the Stream and can also hide/unhide classwork notifications from appearing on the Stream.

This image is a screen shot of the Google Classroom Stream interface with descriptive labels. The labels show the user where to see upcoming assignments, post on the Stream, and view posted assignments and materials.


  • The Classwork section is the area where teachers curate and deliver content to students.

  • Classwork assignments and materials are organized under "Topics."

  • The newest materials/topics automatically appear at the top of the page, but teachers can re-order the topics and assignments by dragging and dropping.

  • Under Classwork, teachers can create:

      • Assignments (click for more info) - can assign points, due dates, and link files, websites, and/or videos

            • Google Drive files can be set to make an individual copy for each student, give view rights only to students, or give edit rights to all students for collaborative work.

      • Quiz Assignments (click for more info) - Classroom automatically creates a Blank Quiz made in Forms where teachers can start editing! Point values and due dates can be altered, and files, websites, and videos can be linked.

      • Questions (click for more info) - can assign points and due dates, link files, websites, and/or videos, and allow students to reply to each other and/or edit their answers

            • Questions can be Short Answer or Multiple Choice

      • Materials (click for more info) - can link files, websites, and/or videos

            • Materials will automatically give view rights only to students

  • Teachers can assign classwork to multiple classes at once or to a group of students or individual students

  • When assignments are created and the rights are set to "Make a Copy" for students, Google automatically places the assignment in each students' Drive and puts their names on the files.

This is an image of a screen shot of Google Classroom's Classwork interface with descriptive labels.  The labels indicate the Create button that is used to create new classwork to be posted.  It also shows what topics look like, what the icons for materials, questions, and assignments look like, and where due dates will appear, if an assignment is scheduled to have one.


  • The People tab is where teachers can organize the teachers and students of the class.

  • Teachers can add other teachers to the Classroom to be a collaborator.

        • Teachers may also consider adding other teachers as professional counterparts so they can copy the course and use the assignments and materials for their class as well.

  • Under the People tab, teachers can also manage students in the Classroom; they can email students, remove students, or mute students from being able to communicate on the Stream.

This is an image of a screen shot of Google Classroom's People interface with descriptive labels.  The labels show where a user can see the list of teachers in the class, the list of students in the class, the button to press to invite teachers to be a collaborative part of a class, the button to press to manually invite students to join the class, and the button one would click to perform specific actions (such as email, remove, or mute)  for specific, selected students.


  • The Grades tab allows you to see, score, and store grades for your students on any assignments that are posted.

  • Teachers are also able to easily see which students are missing assignments.

  • Teachers also have the ability to sort the student list by first or last name.

  • CCPS will not have grade pass back turned on for Google Classroom; therefore, these grades will need to also be input into TAC.

This is an image of a screen shot of Google Classroom's Grades interface with descriptive labels. The labels indicate to the user where to click to organize the student list by first or last name, how to easily see when students are missing assignments, where teachers can grade assignments directly on the page, and that every time an assignment is posted, Google automatically creates a column for teachers in the Grades table.