Sending Forms & Responses

Sending Your Form

Once your form/quiz is ready for responses, it's time to click "Send"!

To "Send" a form and begin collecting responses:

  1. Click the "Send" button in the upper right corner of the Form.

  2. Determine how you'd like to send your form:

  • Email: Type the email addresses of those you want to take the form, altering the subject line and message, if preferred and click "Send".

  • Link: Copy and paste a link to send through an email to a wider audience, post in Google Classroom for students, or link on a website.

  • Embed Code: Copy the embed code (full URL or shortened URL) and paste it in any application that allows embedding, such as Google Sites, Schoology, etc.

Important: Many people think that copying and pasting the URL from the address bar is the link to use to gather responses; however, this link is unique for the editable file, so anyone with that link would be able to alter the form and not actually be able to take it.

Accessing Responses

When it's time to review your Responses, click into the editable Form and select the Responses tab.

  • You can view responses in summary mode, or by each question or individual respondent.

  • If you no longer want responses to be accepted, simply toggle off the "Accepting responses" switch. A message and banner will appear letting you know that responses have been turned off.

  • Google Forms automatically generates a spreadsheet that organizes all responses.

        • To access the spreadsheet, click the green Google Sheets icon. Upon your first time doing this for a form, you will be prompted with an option to generate a new spreadsheet or select an existing one.

        • Inside the spreadsheet, each question will have it's own column and each row will contain each respondent's answers. There will also be a time stamp for each respondent for when they submitted the form.

        • This spreadsheet can be further filtered and organized to your liking for further analysis of the data.