Adding Software and Using Apps with I.A. Laptops

Adding Software to Your Laptop

Company Portal is an application installed on CCPS-managed devices allowing users to install additional approved software that has not been installed automatically. The software available in the Company Portal application is defined for a set of users or devices. To access Company Portal, click on the Windows icon at the bottom-left of the screen, type Company Portal and click on the Company Portal in the search result to launch. Here you will have the ability to select and install all approved software available to the device or the user.

Stop Teams from automatically opening when you turn on your laptop

Teams is set to automatically open when you login. You may want to turn off auto-start When Teams opens, X out any of the smaller message boxes that pop up (eg. “Chats are poppin”) but do not X out of the Teams application. Click the "..." in the upper right corner, select Settings. Uncheck the Auto-start application box and the On close, keep the application running box. X out of the Settings box, X out of Teams.