Learn Google Classroom Quickly

For an organized approach to learning Google Classroom and its many features, take a journey through our Google Treasure Map, complete with video tutorials and helpful resources for each topic!

Getting Started with Google Classroom! - Teachers

Video Tutorials

Adding Links

Learn how to add links to resources as materials in Google Classroom.

Adding Materials

Learn how to create and publish classroom materials in Google Classroom.

Archiving a Course

Learn how to archive a course in Google Classroom that is no longer needed.

Assignments to Multiple Classes

Learn how to create an assignment and deliver it to multiple classrooms you teach in Google Classroom.

Assignment Settings

Learn how to change the settings on assignments from view, edit, or make a copy and what each would do.

Changing Your Theme

Learn how to alter your classroom themes in Google Classroom.

Classroom Folders

Learn how to access and manage the classroom folders that Google auto-creates in Google Classroom.

Copying a Class

Learn how to make a duplicate of a Google Classroom that's already made.

Copying Assignments

Learn how to duplicate an assignment from one class and deliver it to another class in Google Classroom.

Creating Assignments

Learn how to create and deliver assignments in Google Classroom.

Creating Classrooms

Learn how to access the Google Classroom application and how to create a Google Classroom.

Creating Topics

Learn how to nicely divide your assignments and resources in Google Classroom by creating and naming Topics.

Emailing Students from Classroom

Learn how to email a student from within Google Classroom.

Grading with Rubrics

Learn what the teacher view looks like when grading an assignment with a rubric created/delivered in Google Classroom.

Muting Students

Learn how to turn off the rights for posting on the Google Classroom stream for individual students.

Notification Settings

Learn how to change the notification settings for your classes in Google Classroom. You can turn on/off notifications such as email, announcements, and more!

Originality Reports

Learn how to set up an assignment with an Originality Report component in Google Classroom.

Question Assignment

Learn how to make an assignment that is a quick question, either multiple choice or short answer.


Learn how to create, reuse, or upload rubrics to easily grade Google Classroom assignments.

Stream Settings

Learn how to alter the settings for the Google Classroom Stream.

Student Work in Classroom

Learn what the teacher view looks like when monitoring and grading student work in Google Classroom.

Viewing Originality Reports

Learn what the teacher view looks like when checking a student's work with an Originality Report in Google Classroom.

3rd Party App Integrations

Learn how to go to (certain) websites and instantly deliver content as a material or assignment in Google Classroom. This example uses Khan Academy.