Make-Up Work, Classroom Assignments, & Field Trips

The Northern Valley Regional High School Board of Education believes that the material covered in each class session is an integral part of the course. Therefore, each student is allowed to complete make-up assignments for documented absences, including time missed because of actions initiated by the authorities of the school.

  1. Time to make up work should not exceed the amount of time absent, i.e. work missed during a five day period of absence should be made up in the first five days immediately after the student returns to school. Arrangements to make up work must be initiated by the student. They should be proactive and correspond with their teachers and counselor in person or through the use of Email or PowerSchool Learning
  2. Pupils who have undocumented absences, will not be permitted to make up work missed.
  3. Pupils who cut class or are otherwise found truant will not 12 receive credit for the work missed.
  4. Pupils may make up work for time missed because of actions initiated by the authorities of the school, i.e. suspensions, exclusions, etc.
  5. All class assignments are due on the day announced. The student will receive one grade lower each day an assignment is turned in after the initial due date. If the assignment is a course requirement and the work is not completed, the grade in the course is an F. Any course requirement handed in more than three days late will receive a grade no higher than a D.
  6. Make-up exams - No student will take an exam before the rest of the class. Any student participating in an NVRHS sponsored activity will be required to obtain prior approval from the principal in order to take the assessment upon their return.
  7. Mid-Term and Final Exams – If a student is absent during a Mid-Term or Final Examination, he/she may not take a make up exam unless a doctor’s note is provided. These dates are posted a year in advance, so students and parents should plan accordingly.
  8. Field Trips – If a student is scheduled to go on a field trip,they must inform their teachers about the trip at least 5 days prior to the trip. If the field trip conflicts with a scheduled assessment, the student must seek out the teacher on the next school day (even if the class cycles out) to make up the assessment. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assessment. The only exception to this is overnight trips in which students must be given at least one day after returning from the trip to prepare assignments and/or for assessments. Any work due on the day of the trip, must be submitted to the teacher prior to going on the field trip (work may be emailed or left in their mailbox). Arrangements to make up work while on a field trip must be initiated by the student. Any student exceeding 10 unexcused absences or 10 lates is deemed not in good standing and will not be permitted to go on future field trips or class trips.