Tutorial Iniciação ao Photoshop (9 min., EN)

Data de publicação: Dec 02, 2019 10:5:4 PM

Este tutorial em modo acelerado ensina como devemos utilizar as seguintes ferramentas:

  • Create new doc

  • Open an image file (new image: people that can be selected with a quick lasso)

  • Layers, Opacity, Blend Modes (create new layers and paint w/ brush tool to show layering)

  • Selections (expand, contract, feather)

  • Content-Aware Fill (make a person(s) disappear)

  • Select Subject (new image: man or woman studio)

  • Copy to new layer

  • Move tool and pushing pixels or layers

  • Undoing and History

  • Clone stamp tool

  • Healing brush (to newer studio image and heal some skin)

  • Brightness/Contrast (studio image)

  • Curves finger tool to push and pull (first image)

  • Hue/Saturation for overall color and saturation changes + finger tool to target colors (car image)

  • Filters (car image)

  • Sharpening an image (outrun image)

  • Cropping an image (outrun image)

  • Exporting and image and saving stuff (outrun image)

  • 01: Create a new document and then show how to go and open a photo

  • Show the simple zoom in and out and holding down the spacebar to move around

  • Layers panel and create a new layer and then a couple more

  • Select layers and paint on them and show how the brush strokes overlap

  • Show the opacity control and a quick second of blend modes

  • Show how to shut off layers and then drag them to the trash bin to delete

  • Use the rectangle marquee tool to drag out a selection

  • Hold shift to add to a selection or Alt/Opt to subtract from it

  • Select>Deselect (NOTE: the hotkey is a massive time saver here!)

  • Use the Lasso tool for free form selections around the girl

  • Use the old Content-Aware Fill to make her disappear (mention the new content-aware fill)

  • 02: Select subject to select the woman in studio

  • Lasso tool and feather the selection around the eye and more to the forehead area

  • Show how to multiple undo and the history panel to see the stuff you’ve done so far

  • Use Clone Stamp tool to cover up an eyebrow or eye

  • Use the Healing Brush tool to wax away a few blemishes or skin/beauty marks

  • Use the Brightness/Contrast image adjustment to tweak the photo

  • Use Levels finger tool to boost contrast for studio photo and use it on the yellow bug photo and boost blacks and flatten whites to reduce the contrast

  • 03: Use a Hue/Saturation adjustment on the yellow bug image to shift Hue/Sat and then show how to use the finger scrubby tool to target colors and affect saturation and hue

  • Convert the image for smart filters

  • Show a Gaussian blur and then how you can edit the blur, shut off the blur, or delete the blur

  • 04: Convert for smart filters, zoom to 100%, and add a Smart Sharpen

  • Perform an extreme crop and quickly show how to play with the list of sizing options and then that when all else fails hit the Clear button to make the tool a little easier to use

  • With the crop in place, get to the Export As dialog box and show how to export a JPEG image at a reasonable quality and size.