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Science Fair
CMS Science Fair
2016-2017 Projects
1 Balloon Powered Car
1 Does a white or colored candle burn faster?
1 How Coffee Put Pollution to an End
1 How The Moon Affects The Ocean Tides
1 Organic and Haribo Gummy Bears in Liquids
1 Paper Towel Test
1 Soda Explosion
1 Water Absorption
1 What Beverages Stain Teeth the Darkest
1 What is the Average Steps a Student takes at School?
1 Which Hairbrush Works The Best On Hair?
1 Which Washable Marker Works the Best?
6 Cupcake Wars
6 Effects of different liquids on a nail
6 How do Windmills
6 How do Windmills
6 How do Windmills Work
6 How Good is a Working Catapult?
6 How Good is a Working Catapult?
6 Scoliosis The Forgotten Disease?
6 Veggie Lights
6 Veggie Lights
6 What height will a freezer bag break?
6 Which Candle Burns Fastest
6 Which Cutting Board Has The Least Bacteria
6 Which drink has the most electrolytes
6 which fabric dries the quickest
6 Which football glove helps you catch better?
6 Which Juice has the Strongest Acid?
6 Which Liquid Dissolves an M&M Shell the Fastest While Stirring and Not Stirring?
6 Which Liquid Freezes the Fastest
6 which shoe has the most grip and which surface it is best on
7 Does texting and driving change how you drive in video games?
7 As a Matter of Frack- Does Fracking Cause Earthquakes?
7 Building an Identifying Dna SImulator
7 Can We Create Oxygen on Mars?
7 Do Different Diets Affect Earthworms and the Soil They Enrich?
7 Does The Stroop Effect Affect Different Ages Of People?
7 Growing Crystals
7 How Much Weight Can String ,Yarn, and Twine Can Hold
7 Is auditory memory better than visual memory
7 Solar Power
7 what sneaker has the best grip
7 Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin C?
7 Which Material is the Best Sound Insulator?
7 Which shoe is better for a soccer player
7- How to build an Electromagnetic train
7th Is a Dog mouth clear then a human mouth?
7th Is a Dog mouth Really Clear then a Human mouth?
7th What is the fastest way to cool a soda?
8 Aerodynamics Of Different Wing Shapes
8 Building a Newton's Cradle
8 Can Fruit Save Us From a Drought?
8 Can Fruit Save Us From a Drought?
8 Colored Candle vs. White Candle
8 Elephant Toothpaste
8 Fast Talkers
8 Salt vs Sugar Crystals
8 The Affects of Saltwater on Plants
8 What color can you see in the dark
8 Which brand of Hairspray is the best?
8 Which is the Best Basketball Shot
A Heated Debate - Legitimacy of Climate Change
Age of the Universe
Building a Generator
Can the Color of a Lightbulb affect the growth of a plant?
Coding a Platform Video Game
Do crickets like hot, or cold weather?
Do Dogs have a Color Preference?
Does A Rockets Fin Type Affect Its Travel?
Does A Rockets Fin Type Affect Its Travel?
does music effect memory
Does Smell Affect Taste?
Gluten or Gluten Free?
Home Remedies vs. Store Bought
Hovering for speed
How fast can a dose of alkaseltser desolve in 3 different conditions?
How the amount of flour affects cupcakes
Light or dark
Olfactory Fatigue
Preventing Flooding
Solar Oven
The Gummy Experiment!
The Homemade water filtration system
What is the Maximum Height For a Siphon?
What Liquids/Materials Make the Best Conductors?
What Material has the most friction?
What melts ice fastest?
What SPF Sunscreen works the best?
Which ball bounces higher
Which Bridge is The Strongest?
Which Catalyst Makes Hydrogen Peroxide Break Down The Best?
Which Material Works Best For Magic Trick?
which shampoo make your hair softer
Who can tell Facial Expressions better?
2017-2018 Projects
Age and Reaction Time
Aluminum vs Bat Test
Animal Mouth Germs
Arms Up or Down?
Basketball Shoes
Basketball Shooting
BB Gun Penetration
Best Cleaning Toothpaste
Best Shampoo
Blowing Bubbles
Boat Design
Bounce Angle
Browning Apples
Buoyancy in Salt Water
Candle Burn Rate
Candle Burning
Chewing Gum Concentration
Cleaning Power of Detergents
Computer Code
Dissolving Chalk
Does Salt Water Affect Freshwater Plants?
Does Smell Affect Taste?
Dolphin Social Interactions
Earthquake Resistant Design (Shake It Up)
Egg Drop Experiment
Electric Motor
Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Energy Use Appliances
Exercise Pulse Rate
Eye Color Vision Test
Growing Crystals
Growing Gummy Bears
Gummi Bears
Hair Brushes
How Much Sugar
How to Test the Viscosity of Liquids
Index of Refractions
Insulated Hot Cup
Keeping Bottles Cold
Lowering Your Pulse Rate
Maglev Train
Magnetic Shields
Melting Ice
Melting Ice Cream
Melting Ice with Salt
Memory Test
Mentos and Soda Test
Music Concentration
Nail Corrosion
Natural Water Filter
Newton's Cradle
Paper Towel Strength
Parachute Materials
Pinewood Derby Car
Plants and Lights
Potato Starch
Potato Starch
Rabbit Habitats
Rembering Songs
Right Hand, Right Foot
Rubber Band Car
Rube Goldberg Machine
Skittle Experiment
Soap Bubbles
Solar Cooker
Solar Cooker
Speed of Cars
Spicy Relief
Tall and Short Balance
Tea Bag Rockets
UV Beads and Temperature
Vegetable Electricity
Video Games and Reaction Time
Viscosity Test
Water Clock
Water Filter
What amount of glue makes slime bounce the most?
What Drink Stains Your Teeth the Most?
What football gloves are the stickiest?
Which Bridge Structure is The Best?
Which Cleaning Solution is Best For Cleaning Coins?
Which Drink Has The Most Sugar?
Which Material Absorbs the Most Water?
Which Soap Type Works the Best
Wind Turbine Design
Young and Old Germs
2018-2019 Projects
2 Wheel Drive v.s. 4 Wheel Drive
Bacteria Growth
Balance Test
Balloon Powered Car
Best Form for Free Throws
Boat Design
Boiling Water with Salt
Building a Catapult
Building a Pencil Sharpener
Burning Candles
Burning Candles
Cabbage Juice ph Indicator
Camera Test: iPhone vs Nikon
Cardboard Gear System
Colored Ice Melt
Constructing a Rube Goldberg Machine
Cooling Water with Mints
Crystal Growth
Designing a Parachute
Designing a Solar Cooker
Diet Coke and Mentos Reactions
Dirty Money
Dirty Mouth
Dissolving Candy
Dissolving M&Ms
Does Temperature Affect Magnetic Strength
Does Temperature Affect Magnetic Strength
Egg Osmosis
Elephant Toothpaste
Evaluating Cookie Recipes
Exercise and Pulse Rate
Flammable Materials
Freezing Time for Liquids
Generic vs Name Brand Foods
Germs in the Environment
Glove Grip
Growing Crystals
Gummi Bear Osmosis
Homemade Battery
How Liquids Stain Teeth
Hydraulic Crane
Ink Stains
Is A Dog's Mouth Cleaner Than a Human's?
Its All About The Bounce
Light Bulb Heat
Lung Capacity
Making Ice Cream
Making Oobleck
Mashed Potato Test
Measuring the Rate of Oxygen in Air
Melting Colored Ice Cubes
Microwave Popcorn
Natural and Artificial Scents
Paper Towel Test
Peer Pressure
Pendulum Experiment
Penetrating Power of BBs
Preserving Meat
Rocket Fins
Separating Mixtures
shoe frition
Stadium Effect of Batting Average-Reagan
Strength of Paper
Sugar in Your Diet
Sugary Drinks
Testing Baseball Bats
Testing Candles
Testing Dog Treats
Testing Hair Spray
Testing Shampoo
Testing the 5 Second Rule
The Fibonacci Sequence
The Mandela Effect
The Placebo Effect
Toothpaste Test
Videogame Reaction Speed
Violence on Kid's Shows
What Is The Fastest Way to Remove Nail Polish
What Makes Ice Melt Fastest?
What Salt Melts Ice The Fastest?
What Tape Should You STICK To?
2019-2020 Projects
Designing the Board
2014-2015 Projects
3 Point Percentage
3 Point Percentage
Aerodynamics Of A Football
Air Pressure Car
Are Dogs Really Colorblind?
Are there better ways to make a chocolate chip cookie?
Basketball Accuracy on the Court
Basketball Bounce
Best Water Quality
Bike generator
Bombs Away The Catapult Experiment
Can Younger Children Tell the Difference Between Medicine or Candy?
Crawl Space - Which Environments Do Mealworms Prefer?
Cross Contamination in The Kitchen.
Do Coffee Grounds affect the growth of plants?
does food relly give electricity
Does Multitasking Work?
Does Salt Water Affect Plant Growth?
Does smell affect your taste?
Drake Equation
Electrical fruit.
Elephant Tooth Paste Cornell
Elephant Toothpaste
Elijah's Science Fair project Milk of Magnesia
Eye Color & Sight
Fat vs Nonfat foods.
How Does Music and Sounds Effect Thinking
How Far Can A Catapult Shoot
How Far Can a CD Hovercraft Go by Pushing it Real Good!?
How far can a marshmallow travel at different degree angles and air pressures?
How fast alka seltzer dissolves
How Fast Does Alka-Seltzer Dissolve In Different Temperatures Of Water?
How many chirps does a cricket make per minute?
How Many Paper Clips Can A Hot Air Balloon Lift?
How many things are there in the Universe
How Much Bacteria Is On A Dollar Bill
How to keep a can of soda cold
Is a dog's mouth really cleaner then a humans by Logan Burke
Is Smiling Contagious?
Lita's Guard Dog Alert Project!
Paper Towel Strength
Planarian Problem
Reading Eggshells
Science Fair Project
Soda Fountain
Taste with and witho
The Double-Dipping Rule
The Perfect Roller Coaster
Turning milk into plastic
Under Pressure
What Bandage can withstand water the longest without peeling off?
what causes a Tsunami?
What Do Mealworms Like to Live In?
What drink makes your hart beat recover the fastest
What goes faster down a hill, a hard boiled egg, or a raw one
What Grows Plants Faster, Regular or Salt Water?
What happens to uv rays in bacteria
What is the most effective method of preserving food?
What material is better for a bike tire
What Material Makes the Best Rheostat? By Tommy Belansen
What Soap Will Kill the Most Germs?
What String/Thread Is The Strongest?
What Swim Suit is Fastest
Where's Waldo
Which light helps plant life the most - Jersey Rogers
Which liquid dissolves the skittle the fastest?
Which Method of Disinfecting Toothbrushes Kills the Most Bacteria?
Which Paper Towel Absorbs The Most Water
Which soap eliminates the most bacteria of off your hands?
Which Solar Cooker Can Capture the Most Heat?
Which Toothpaste is the best for cleaning?
Which toothpaste will work the best?
Which trench design straight or zig-zag, obsorbs the most shock from an explotion
Which Wing Design Has The Greatest Lift?
Who gets the most exercise?
2015-2016 Projects
Airplane flight
Are You Smarter Than a Middle School-er?
Blocking the sun
Bouncing Egg
Bouncy Balls
Bright and Dark Color Temperature
Can You Turn a Smartphone into a 3D Hologram?
Developing an Artificial Pancreas
Dissolving M&M's
Do Boys And Girls Think Alike?
Do People Accurately Count Their Calories?
Do Smells Affect Memories?
Does 100% fruit juice have more vitamin C than juice with Artificial ingredients?
Does a Tsunami travel faster in shallow water or in deep water?
Does Age and Use of Video Games Affect Your Reaction Times?
Does heat change how crystals grow
Does Microwave Radiation Affect Plant Growth?
Does Smell Affect Your Taste?
Don't Drink That
Electricity in fruits and vegtables
Gas Vs Electric
Gianmarco Sanzone- Designing a Video game
Home Remedies vs Brand Name. What stain remover cleans the best?
How Does Color of Clothing and Water Temperature Affect White Clothes Differently?
How Does Heat And Moisture Affect The Growth Of Mold On Bread
How long will a flower last?
How much bacteria does food pick up?
How much water does materials hold?
I Spy With My Little Eye...
Incredible Growing Gummy Bears
Is Bernoulli's Principle Effective?
Is Peace and Quiet Really the Best Way to do your Work?
Maglev Train
Making Batteries out of Coins
Oil spill clean up
Plane Wing Aerodynamics
Power of Persuasion
Rainbow Fire
Rainbow milk
Rubber Band
Saving The World One K-Cup At A Time
Solar Cooker
Test Page
Video Game Excitement!
What boat design holds the most weight?
What Car/Wheel Design Goes the Fastest and the Farthest
What Color Can You See In The Dark?
What Flour Has The Most Gluten
What happens to different pairs of gummy bears left in different types of liquids?
What is better for plants freshwater or salt waterWhat is better for plants freshwater or saltwater? Hypothesis Is that the salt and freshwater will be the same. I will get saltwater give it to a all ready grow plant and do the same with a different plant but with freshwater
What Is the Best Paper Airplane?
What liquid can dissolve a tablet the fastest
What Liquid makes a Rose live the longest
What Materials Reduce The Speed of Wifi Signals?
What Room in the House Holds the Most Germs?
What stain remover works best?
What surf wax is the stickiest?
What Type of Water does Egg Crystals Grow the Fastest In?
What was the Average temperature in April?
Where's The Best Spot to Shoot From?
Which band-aid sticks the best?
Which brand of sunscreen blocks the sun best?
Which bridge is the strongest?
Which Camouflage Works Best
Which Drink is Best for Running?
Which fabics move the sail faster
Which Gender can Withstand Pain more
Which Hair Bleach Is The Best?
Which Liquid Cleans A Coin The Best?
Which Pattern of Lego’s Can Hold the Most Weight?
Which Reward Will Result in the Quickest Test?
Which Shampoo Is The Best?
Which sneaker has the best friction?
Which sneaker has the best friction?
Which soil absorbs the most water
Which Solar Heater Coil Design Will Heat Water Most Effectively?
Which Stain Remover Works Best On Stains?
Which surfaces is the quickest speed for a mini segway?
Which type of salt can melt ice the fastest?
Which type of salt melts ice the fastest?
who has the most germs in middle school hall
Designing the Display Board
Due Dates
Experiment Plan
Project ideas
Rules and Guidelines
Scoring Rubric
Tips from the Judges
Writing the Abstract
Science Fair
Toothpaste Test
Final draft absract
Untitled document
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