Basketball Shooting

Luke Masterson


What is the most accurate way of shooting a basketball?


My hypothesis is that shooting the ball with your guide hand straight on the side, will be the most accurate way of shooting, out of the rest of the shooting forms. I believe this because this shooting form is one of the most practiced way of shooting. When shooting with your guide hand over, under, or any other way, I believe it will cause the ball to shooting in a different direction.


    1. Go to a basketball court/net.

    2. Establish the different shot forms.

    3. Shoot 20 shots each from the freethrow line.

    4. Record the FGM/FGA (Field Goals Made/Field Goals Attempted) ratio.

    5. Convert the data into field goal percentages.

    6. Based off the best FG %, determine the most accurate shot form.


At the end of my experiment, I learned that my hypothesis was correct. I have also learned from my previous idea of having other people shoot, that shooting a basketball is primarily factored on practice and skill, and there isn’t as much science that goes into it. Shooting with my guide hand on the side of the basketball, was the most accurate shot form. I believe my experiment could be more accurate, if I had shot more times and if I shot more types of shooting forms. I could improve this experiment by shooting more shots, and researching other different types of shots.



For my 2018 science fair project, I decided to ask the question, what is the most accurate way of shooting a basketball? I believe that keeping your guide hand straight on the side of the ball will have the most accurate shot. I believe this will be the most accurate shot due to the guide hand making it a straight shot. On the other hand, shooting the ball with the guide hands under or over the ball will make it go in other directions. I chose this topic because I am a long lover for basketball. With the season already started, I figured that I would use some of the techniques to help with shooting a basketball.

I started out having various people participate in my project. I realized that they all were on different skill levels. I switched around my project, and decided to study different shooting forms and try them on my own. I shot various shots, shooting 20 shots, for each form. I also studied on various websites such as the USAB, USA Basketball, and found other factors of shooting, other then form.

I then began my tests, I shot all of my shots from the freethrow line. I shot 55% when my guide is straight on the side of the ball. I shot 25% when shooting underhand. I shot 30% when my guide hand was over the ball, and 45% when my guide hand was under the ball. I then shot 20% when shooting from my chest, and 15% when shooting from over my head. Furthermore, I shot 15% when shooting underhand, 30% when shooting a hookshot, and 30% when shooting with my opposite hand. Finally, I shot 15% while shooting with one hand, and 25% when shooting flat-footed. After finishing my current tests, I found shooting when your guide hand is straight on the side of the ball is the most accurate form.

At the end of my test, I found that shooting when your guide hand is straight on the side is the most accurate. I also learned that shooting a basketball isn’t as scientific, but based on skill and practice. My hypothesis in the end was correct, though. My experiment could have been more accurate if I shot more shots, instead of just 20 for each. It was a close test though, with shooting with my guide hand on the side of the ball, 11/20, being a bit more accurate then shooting with my guide hand under the ball, 9/20. I could improve this experiment by shooting different and more shots. At the end of my experiment, I can say I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project.