Tall and Short Balance

Who Can Balance Better?

Emily Little


For my science fair experiment I wanted to find out who can keep better balance, short or tall people?


I think that taller people will have a harder time balancing and shorter people will be able to balance for a longer time


    1. 1. Give everyone forms and have them sign and return

2. Test out 3 short people with both eyes closed and standing on one foot

3. Test out 3 tall people with both eyes closed standing on one foot

4. See who can hold their balance the longest with stopwatch, then find average for short and tall people

5. After I find average I will see who won


From my experiment, I discovered that it was easier for short people to balance and harder fro taller people to balance, my hypothesis was correct.



Who Can Keep Their Balance?

For my project I wanted to figure out who could keep their balance longer on one foot, short or tall people. I wanted to do this project because I was always curious to see if it was truly harder for tall people to keep their balance. Now imagine there is a red dot at each person’s belly button, The taller persons dot will be higher than the shorter person. This dot represents the center of gravity. With this information, I imagined it would be harder for tall people to balance.

Six subjects were asked to participate in this project. Every agreed and so the experiment began. To start I took two short people and two tall people. I measured how tall each and everyone was. I made sure short people were under 5’5 and the tall people were over 5’5. I tested them four times and than took the average of how long they could stand up for 30 seconds out of those four tests. For every test I took I made sure that each subject was standing on one foot with their eyes closed to make the test fair. After the first test was completed I tested them several more times.

After I collected all my data I averaged it all up and for the taller subjects they averaged about only standing up for 7 seconds. While my short subjects average stood for 18 seconds out of 30. Much longer than tall subjects.

Throughout this project I realized it was much harder for tall people to keep their balance. My hypothesis was correct in finding out who could hold better balance, in the end, short people won. I believe that my project was fairly correct for the most part, to improve I could have tested more people for a longer period of time and maybe explored more and went different ways with my projects. I could see if certain things besides high affects your balance of if your age effects it too. There are many different ways you could go in this project. In conclusion I believe with my data it was clear that it was easier for short people to balance.