What is better for plants freshwater or salt waterWhat is better for plants freshwater or saltwater? Hypothesis Is that the salt and freshwater will be the same. I will get saltwater give it to a all ready grow plant and do the same with a different plant but with freshwater

What is better for plants freshwater or saltwater?

Hypothesis Is that the salt and freshwater will be the same.

I will get saltwater give it to a all ready grow plant and do the same with a different plant but with freshwater.

The question is freshwater better for plants or

saltwater better for it? My hypothesis is that it will be the same that both plants will turn out the same and nothing will happen differently.

When I was doing my project I water the plants the same amount of water and I did it when the dirt got dry.Every day I put them in the sun so they could grow.I made sure that they were always next to each other so it will be fair.I recorded if leaves started to die or the plants got healthier or bigger.Also a looked if the plants grew there flowers or if they died.