Bombs Away The Catapult Experiment

How Far Can The Catapult Fire

Bombs Away!!!

I wanted to find out which goes farther, full power, medium power, or small power. I built my catapult and I started with full power, then medium, and last small. My hypothesis is that the highest power will go the furthest because it will have the most power behind it. Because of that I believe it will send the marshmallows the furthest distance.

I started my project by my Dad and I ordering my catapult kit online. When it came several days later my Dad and I started building it together. We had to read the directions and place all the pieces out in front of us in an organized way. Some pieces we had to glue together and tie some string as well. My catapult took about 1 hour to build and then I had to wait the day in order for it to fully dry. The next day I began testing how far the catapult could fire marshmallows. First I did full power, then medium power, and finally small power. I performed the test 10 times for each power, and I found the average for each category. This was my procedure for my catapult experiment.

The data showed that full power did indeed travel the farthest. The average was 12.93 feet for full power, 10.35 feet for medium power, and 8.11 feet for small. The studies indicate that my hypothesis was correct. I learned that full power did travel the furthest just as I thought it would. During the testing that I performed I wore safety glasses. I very much enjoyed building my catapult with my Dad, it was something fun we got to do together. I also enjoyed it because I very much like to build things. Also, I had fun collecting the data, my brother and sister would act as my assistant. I would use my catapult again in another project if possible because I enjoyed this process. I think that I could improve this project by using various objects to launch. This is how I got my data and which power was able to launch the furthest.

Procedure-I started my project by my Dad and I ordering my catapult kit online. When it came several days later my Dad and I started building it together. We had to read the directions and place all the pieces out in front of us in an organized way. Some pieces we had to glue together and tie some string as well. My catapult took about 1 hour to build and then I had to wait the day in order for it to fully dry. The next day I began testing how far the catapult could fire marshmallows. First I did full power, then medium power, and finally small power. I performed the test 10 times for each power, and I found the average for each category. This was my procedure for my catapult experiment.


My hypothesis is that the highest power will go the furthest because it will have the most power behind it. Because of that I believe it will send the marshmallows the furthest distance.

Conclusion- The data showed that full power did indeed travel the farthest. The average was 12.93 feet for full power, 10.35 feet for medium power, and 8.11 feet for small. The studies indicate that my hypothesis was correct. I learned that full power did travel the furthest just as I thought it would. During the testing that I performed I wore safety glasses. I very much enjoyed building my catapult with my Dad, it was something fun we got to do together. I also enjoyed it because I very much like to build things. Also, I had fun collecting the data, my brother and sister would act as my assistant. I would use my catapult again in another project if possible because I enjoyed this process. I think that I could improve this project by using various objects to launch. This is how I got my data and which power was able to launch the furthest.