Which band-aid sticks the best?

Hypothesis: The waterproof band-aid will stick the best because it will block out the water and it will be very strong when it is stuck onto the skin.


  1. Put different types of band-aids on different types of skin

  2. Leave all band-aids on until they fall off

  3. Record data

  4. Repeat two times

  5. When done, measure the time band-aid stayed on


Which type of band-aid sticks the best, waterproof band-aids, non-waterproof band-aids, or plastic band-aids. My hypothesis is that the waterproof band-aids will stick the best, because it would block out water. The reason why I did this experiment was because whenever I get a cut on my hand, I reach for a band-aid. As I do this, there are many different different types of brands to choose from. When I choose I can never get the right brand, and that is why I am doing my project. To save money.

The procedure for my experiment was to first to find different people with different skin types, then I put all three band-aids (plastic, waterproof, and non-waterproof band-aids) on my test subjects. After that, I left all the band-aids on the test subjects until the band-aids fall off, after this happens I record what band-aid falls off and when they fall off. As soon as I complete the first test, I repeat the test two more times.

I tested different band-aids on different skin types, and the result is that my hypothesis was partially correct because, on the soft and bumpy skin, waterproof band-aids were in second place for stickiest band-aid. To prove this, the average time the band-aids were on the bumpy and smooth skin was one day for waterproof and non-waterproof band-aids, and two days or the plastic band-aid. On the soft and bumpy skin, the waterproof band-aid stayed for two days, the non-waterproof stayed on for six days, and the plastic stayed on for one day. In conclusion, the best band-aid was the plastic band-aid on the bumpy and smooth skin and the non-waterproof band-aid was the stickiest band-aid on the soft and bumpy skin.