Testing Candles


When I tested each candle i have my parents approval. My hypothesis was that the thinner candle would burn up faster, I thought that because if I tested the thicker candle it would burn slower. I got different types of branded candles. I used four different candles.On the first one I put a timer for 5 minutes and it burned 1 and a half centimeters. The second burned 2 centimeters because it was a little more thin. The third one burned 1 centimeter because it was thicker. I did my fourth candle and it was a very thick candle and I got 1 Cm. The average candle would burn about 1 centimeter.


I will do my hypothesis

I will get the candles

I will set a stopwatch

I will see what type of candle it is so i will measure the time

repeat each test

I will make a data table


I think that the smaller candles Would burn faster because it is a lot smaller. It could also be a different material because they are both different brands.

Data Table

The Thicker Candles

1 cm


The Thin Candles

1 ½ Cm

2 cm


This was a fun project to do and my mom was quickly surprised that the candle that burned the fastest only burned 2 cm. I could improve this project if i tested it more than 2 times. This projects was a very hard project to because i could have burned myself.


The thing that i am going to find out is which candle can burn the fastest. The reason why i am doing this project is that my mom loves candles and she has a lot of them in our house. I also love the smell of them and I want to find out how fast it can burn in 5 minutes.