Hydraulic Crane

Hydraulic Crane

I wanted to recreate a little crane by doing so I couldn’t find any other way to do it besides using Hydraulics as an advantage. I chose this topic because I was interestedwith it, and I always like to do engineering projects.

When I was creating my hydraulic crane, I thought it would be best to use syringes and plastic tubing. The first thing I have done was that I set up my syringes with the tubing. Then I had a bit of trouble because I accidently used different sized tubing. It was a little too small. I made it work though by using the heat of a hot glue gun and widening it to fit the syringe exactly. The syringes don’t matter, but the tubing does because the syringe tips are always the same.

When I completed this project I was very excited because it did work perfectly, but I think too perfectly because the syringes would be perfectly timed together which made the reaction very fast. I also used 3d printed wedges to snap everything together into one without having an even bigger struggle because it would of been a little harder to drill everything one by one.

What I learned about doing this project is that hydraulics work better than expected. My hypothesis was correct. The crane was fully functional. One of my mistakes was the size of the plastic tubing because it was not the same size as the syringes so it wouldn’t connect. To improve this I would carefully look over at what I am doing and buy the right tubing.