Cross Contamination in The Kitchen.

Which Cutting Board is the Safest

By: Cameron Compare


Question: Does a wood or plastic cutting board hold on the most germs after being used?

Hypothesis: The wood cutting board will have more germs at the end of the experiment.


1. Get a never used wood cutting board and a plastic cutting board

2. Spread geo-germs evenly on both boards

3. Then wash the cutting boards with soap and water

4. Examine the surface of each cutting board and see which one glows the most

5. Repeat steps two times

6. Analyze the data

7. Rate the boards from how much they glow from one to five (one being the cleanest and 5 being the dirtiest)

8. Make a conclusion

Conclusion: The wood cutting board held on to more germs than the plastic cutting board.


Wooden Cutting Board Attempt One: file:///Users/cameroncompare/Desktop/IMG_6359.JPG

Plastic Cutting Board Attempt One: file:///Users/cameroncompare/Desktop/IMG_6358.JPG


Wooden Cutting Board Attempt Two: file:///Users/cameroncompare/Desktop/IMG_6359.JPG

Plastic Cutting Board Attempt Two: file:///Users/cameroncompare/Desktop/IMG_6358.JPG


Cleanliness of Cutting Boards

1 = cleanest 5 = dirtiest

(The greater amount of Glo-Germs on the board the more the board would glow. Board was rated by amount left on board.)