Microwave Popcorn

Will The Most Expensive Brand of Popcorn Pop Best?

I like movies a lot and I was thinking am I paying the right money for this brand of popcorn. If you think about it a bag of popcorn is a lot of money. You may have a lot kernels left in the bottom of the bag. So I am trying to figure out if the most expensive brand of popcorn will pop best. I chose this experiment to find out if I was paying the right amount of money. I also have a very good board idea. My hypothesis is that the brand that was the most amount of money will have less kernels.

When I got home from the store we I layed out 5 different brands of popcorn and then I put the the rest of the packaged ones back. When we opened each popcorn bag I put them each in for two minutes. Then I opened each bag and counted how many kernels there were and put them in a ziplock bag. Lastly I wrote the number of kernels on each bag and then put it on my board.

What I found was that the most expensive brand had the most unpopped kernels. Pop-Secret, the most expensive brand had 37 unpopped kernels. Orville, the second most expensive, had 29 unpopped kernels. Jolly Time, the third brand, had 22 unpopped kernels. Act 2, the fourth brand, had 21 unpopped 21 kernels. Signature Select, the least expensive, had 27 unpopped kernels. Pop Secret was $3.99, Orville was $3.49, Jolly Time was $2.99, Act 2 was $2.39, and lastly Signature Select was $1.99. The price did not matter on any of the brands actually. My findings showed that the amount of unpopped kernels left over did not go in order with the price of the popcorn.

I learned that the most expensive brand is not always the best. My hypothesis was not correct because I said that the most expensive brand would leave the fewest unpopped kernels. The only two things that I think may have changed the outcome are, a different microwave and an even more expensive brand then the ones we used, and that is the only way I think the experiment may have changed.