7 Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin C?


Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin C?


I predict that an apple will have the most Vitamin C?


  1. Prepare an iodine solution by mixing a bottle of tincture of iodine in about 500 ml of water. Then place equal amounts of the iodine solution in plastic cups.

  2. Using a spoon, I’ll crush a vitamin C tablet and then dissolve it in water (this will be my control).

  3. Then place equal amounts of the various fruit juices in plastic cups.

  4. Using the medicine dropper I’ll add the vitamin C control solution drop by drop to a cup of iodine and record the results.

  5. Next, I’ll add a juice using a different medicine dropper, drop by drop, to a fresh cup of iodine. Swirl the cup after each drop is added.

  6. Then count the number of drops I add until a color change is seen.

  7. Record the number of drops needed to change the iodine from its brownish-red color to a clear or almost clear color.

  8. I’ll then repeat the procedure using each of the juices.

  9. I will later then arrange data in numerical order, from the lowest to highest vitamin C.

  10. I will test each juice three times and calculate the average number of drops required to change the color.

Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin C?

I wanted to investigate which fruit had the most vitamin C. I chose this idea because knowing which fruit has the most vitamin C it can really help someone with health. I predicted that an apple would have the most vitamin C because it is a common healthy fruit.

The first thing I did to begin was to mix a bottle of tincture with 500 ml of water. This created the iodine solution. Then, using a spoon, I crushed a 100 mg vitamin C tablet and dissolved it in water. The dissolved tablet in water is my control for the experiment. After this I poured different fruit juices into cups. Afterwards using a medicine dropper I slowly dropped my control into the iodine and see the result. Then, using a fresh cup of iodine I poured drop by drop a new fruit juice until there was a color change. When doing this step I kept track of how many drops it took until there was a color change. At last, I repeated the last steps with other juices.

The data showed that the orange juice exceeded with the most vitamin C since it took the least number of drops. For example, the average of the number of drops was only 14.3. Compared to all the other averages the orange juice was the smallest amount. For example, the apple juices average was 33.6, the grapefruit was 28.6, the lemon was 34.3, the cranberry juice was 34, the pineapple was 49, and last but not least was the watermelon with an average of 39. Due to my data it demonstrated that my prediction was incorrect and the fruit with the most vitamin C was an orange.

The results in my project proved that my hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that an apple would have the most vitamin C but it was actually an orange. It was inaccurate because the orange juice took the least amount of drops to turn a clear color. Due to my experimenting, I thought that I could have made my project better. For instance, I could have experimented with more fruit juices, I also could’ve tried with different amounts of measurement. From my science fair project I learned that this can be time consuming, challenging, and fun.


Overall my science fair experiment was pretty accurate because my method for testing the vitamin C was all the same. I tested everything equally and fair. If I could improve my experiment I could’ve used different measurements in juice or I could have used a different method in trying to find the fruit with the most vitamin C. Although my experiment proved my hypothesis to be incorrect I was not off by a lot. For example, I predicted that an apple would have more vitamin C but it was actually an orange my prediction was based off of what I know since people always say an apple is the healthiest fruit for you.