Are You Smarter Than a Middle School-er?

Problem: Are You Smarter Than a Middle School-er?

Hypothesis: My hypothesis was that adults wouldn’t be able to surpass the intelligence of middle school-ers. Especially since I am giving them the new PARCC test which has very high standards.


  1. Gather materials (The materials I needed included, 10 PARCC sample tests, a printer, pencils, a computer, a timer, and volunteers)

  2. I needed 5 middle school-ers and five adults

  3. I tested the adults and middle school-ers

  4. I handed the test out and spaced them out, or tested them on different dates

  5. I timed them until they were done

  6. I graded the tests and found the average results of the middle school-ers and the adults

Are You Smarter Than a Middle School-er?

Have you ever heard of the hit television series, Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? The objective of the show is to see if adults are smarter than fifth graders. There is a series of questions that is on a fifth grade level, and there are topics to choose from. Some topics could be Language Arts or Math. The show gave me an idea to do the project, Are You Smarter Than a Middle School-er? My objective was still the same as the show, but to a higher extent, are adults smarter than middle schoolers? My hypothesis was that adults wouldn’t be able to surpass the intelligence of middle school-ers. Especially since I am giving them the new PARCC test which has very high standards.

To do this experiment I had to compile together a multiple amount of steps. Firstly, I had to gather my materials. The materials I needed included, 10 PARCC sample tests, a printer, pencils, a computer, a timer, and volunteers. I needed 5 middle school-ers and five adults. Secondly, I asked around to find people willing to do my experiment. Thirdly, I tested the adults and middle school-ers. I handed the test out and spaced them out, or tested them on different dates. I timed them until they were done. Next, I graded the tests and found the average results of the middle school-ers and the adults.

The results of my experiment turned out to be that adults are “smarter than middle school-ers”. They scored an average of 2.6 out of 5 correct answers. They also took a shorter amount of time of 7.374 minutes as an average. Middle School-ers scored an average of 2.1 out of five correct answers. Their average time was 8.096 minutes.

My experiment was a successful project in many ways. I learned many things during and after this project. I learned that adults brains are more developed because they learned all of the things that were on the test and the middle school-ers may not have learned all of the questions yet. The test was also very hard to me when I had looked it over. My hypothesis was correct in assumption that adults can understand the test more than a middle school-er can. My experiment was accurate because I tested five adults and five middle school-ers to get my results, instead of only testing one of each. My results came out best when I tested a multitude of adults and middle school-ers because they are all different. My experiment was successful in finding out, Are You Smarter Than A Middle School-er?