What Material has the most friction?

Lindsay Robbins

Question: What material has the most friction?

Hypothesis: I thought that the sand paper would have the most friction because of the roughness and the bumpiness.


    1. Get all materials you will roll the marble on

    2. make a ramp for the marble to roll down

    3. put the material you are testing at the bottom at the ramp

    4. roll the marble down the ramp

    5. measure how far the ball goes each time

    6. repeat steps 3-5 for each material

Conclusion:In conclusion I found out that the washcloth had the most friction and the paper towel had the least friction. The wash cloth had an average distance of 32.3 centimeters and the paper towel had an average distance of 46.7 centimeters. As one can see the wash cloth mad the marble go a lesser distance.

Abstract:Which Material Has The Most Friction?

For my experiment I wanted to know which material would have the most friction. For this I tested foam board, sandpaper, wax paper, plastic wrap, foil, paper towel, a wash cloth, and a pillow case. I thought that the sandpaper would have the most friction. I thought this because the roughness and bumpy I thought it would slow the marble down. I chose to do this experiment because I thought it would be interesting to find out what material had the most friction.

In order to this experiment you will need the different times of materials that are listed above. Then you will have to create a ramp for the marble to roll down To do this I took a paper towel roll and a toilet paper roll. I cut the toilet paper roll to make it so the ramp was at a good height. Then Cut the paper towel roll so that the top was opened. The ramp had a slope of 17 degrees. Then you take a piece of a material and roll it down the ramp and see how far it goes, you test each material four times. You keep repeating this until you have tested all of the materials.

In this experiment I found out that the washcloth had the most friction of all the materials. It had an average distance of 32.3 cm. The paper towel had the least friction of all of the materials it had an average distance of 46.7 cm. All of the other materials had a distance in between these numbers. The foam board had an average distance of 42.9 cm, the the sandpaper was 39.1 cm, the the wax paper was 43.1 cm, the plastic wrap was 41.8 cm, the aluminum foil was 41.9 cm, and the pillow case had an average distance of 33 cm.

In conclusion I found out that the wash cloth had the most friction and the paper towel had the least friction. The wash cloth had an average distance of 32.3 centimeters. The paper towel an average distance of 46.7 centimeters, My hypothesis was incorrect because I thought that the sandpaper would have the most fiction because of the bumpiness and roughness but the wash cloth ended up having the most friction. I think that this was a fair experiment because the ball was not being pushed it was being placed on the ramp and would roll at its own speed, each time the marble had the same speed and power. To make this experiment better I could have tested more materials to see if the washcloth would still have the most friction or if there would have been a different result.
