The Double-Dipping Rule

By: Terry Morelli The Double-Dipping Rule

Question: The question that I am attempting to find out by doing this project is whether or not the Double-Dipping myth that states Double-Dipping a chip in dip spreads more germs than licking the whole entire bowl, is true or myth.

Hypothesis: I think that the "rule" is fact, and that Double-Dipping causes as much bacteria growth as licking the whole top of the dip.


1:Get 3 petri dishes with nutrient agar.

Get a bag of potato chips with dip, and 3 bowls.

Put equal amount of dip in each bowl.

Lable the petri dishes, 1:Sample 2:Double-Dipped 3:Whole Bowl Licked

Take a cue tip, and take a sample of normal dip. Put it in "sample."

Double-Dip a chip in the second bowl. Take a cue tip and take a sample of that. Put it in the petri dish labled "Double-Dipped."

Like the whole top of the dip in bowl 3. Take a sample, and put it into the petri dish labeled "Whole Bowl Licked."

Sit the 3 dishes in a room at 80 degrees and let the bacteria grow.

Count the number of colonies and record.