Spicy Relief


The project i’ve chosen was testing the best way to cool someone’s mouth after eating something spicy. My food choices were crackers, ice cream, milk, and water. I thought ice cream would help the burning spice the best. It worked because it was cold for the tongue. I wanted to choose this topic because i thought it would be an interesting topic to figure out what helps best.

The way my experiment was done by getting my ingredients. I used my family to eat a teaspoon of hot salsa and gave them one ingredient at a time. They ate the hot salsa before eating the next helper. I then gave them a check off chart and they rated it, four being the least helpful and one being the best.

The data i got was that ice cream was rated the best and the worst was the cracker. The ice cream seemed to soothe the spicy pain. The cracker’s dullness was no help because it was plain with just salt. The crackers’ average was 1.125. The water’s average was 3.125. The milk average was 2.25. Ice cream had the average of 3.5.

I learned what would help me when something is spicy. My hypothesis is correct because i chose ice cream. The ice cream was favored by most of the people tested. A possible error is that the last thing they ate would have an effect on the food they ate. If they washed their mouths out before continuing eating the hot salsa. Which they did not. Overall my project was a success


    1. Ate a teaspoon of hot salsa

    2. Tried water

    3. Ate another teaspoon

    4. Tried milk

    5. Ate another teaspoon

    6. Tried crackers

    7. Ate another teaspoon

    8. Tried ice cream


The reason I wanted to do this project is because i’m a fan of spicy food but can’t always handle it and I would like to know what would help. I was trying to figure out how other foods help with cooling your mouth down after eating spicy food and the winning food is ice cream.


If you eat something spicy then ice cream would do the best because it’s icy coldness.


Ice cream got the best votes over milk, water, crackers. It shows what really helps with spicy food. As i said ice cream did the best and i said it would be the best. My hypothesis is correct. I don’t think I did this project completely right. I should’ve made them wash their mouths out before moving on but i didn’t. I would change my way of doing it if i did this project again. Overall my project went well and i got the answer i knew i would.