I Spy With My Little Eye...

Question- Which age group can solve I Spy pages the best?

Hypothesis- Teenagers will solve the pages the fastest.


1. Get an I Spy book.

2. Find people that you want to test.

3. Then get their signature.

4. Get age and gender and have them answer the question: How many hours per week do you spend looking at screens?

5. Then test people twice.

6. Then compare data from all the people that were testing.

7. After all steps make a data table

Conclusion- My hypothesis was wrong and around the age of forty had the best times.

I Spy With My Little Eye Something…

By: Jaxon Tomlin

I wanted to figure out which age group could figure out an I Spy sequence the fastest. I thought this would be a good experiment to prove which age group has the best eyes. My hypothesis was that around the age of thirteen or fourteen would be the best. I figured this because the eyes of this age would be the best because their eyes aren’t mature or immature.This seemed interesting to me because when I was in third grade I always used to play I Spy and it was a lot of fun.

The first step I took in completing this experiment was getting an I Spy book. After that step, I found people that I wanted to test that were in very different age groups. Then, the people I chose performed two I Spy pages and answered a question. The question was, how many hour per week does the person who is being testing spend looking at screens. The screens include computer, TV, phone, etc. Afterwards you have to have the participant sign. After that step you get the times in which each person tested. These were all the steps I used to complete my experiment.

The times for each age varied a lot and it proved which age was the best from my data. The best age was from forties to fifties. This was very surprising because you would think young kids would be better. I noticed that the people who spent a little of ten hours on their phone per week were not very successful. In my opinion the people with the best reflexes and eyes did the best, but the people who just sat back and were confused weren’t very successful. I also noticed that the people who had less confidence in themselves did bad and they were somewhat giving up at times. Finally, the last thing I noticed was that lot of people always tried to look at the time and they were very worried about their scores, so they didn’t do very well.

I learned a lot from performing this project with many people of different age groups. One thing I learned was that the middle aged people did the best overall. Therefore my hypothesis was incorrect because I predicted that teenagers would do the best. The middle aged people around the age of forty had times around three minutes and below. While the teenagers scored in the high two minutes or above three minutes. Some errors were that the timer was right next to the participant, making them stressed about their time. Finally, this experiment was very interesting, fun to do, and the results were very surprising.