Reading Eggshells

Question- Witch type of egg shells can hold more books

Hypothesis- I think that the bigger egg shells can hold more books than the small and medium eggs.

procedure- what I will do is that I will take 3 different types of eggs and then take the yolk out of the the eggs. Then I will tape the egg shells with clear tape all around. After that is all done I will test how many books each egg shell can hold. I will also be testing the egg shells 3 times. And making a data table.


  • First I poked holes in all of the eggshells to get the yolk out

  • Then I rinsed off the eggshells and dried them gently

  • Next I put clear tap around the holes of the eggshells

  • Last I did my experiment

conclusion- What I have learned from my experiment is that eggs and or eggshells aren't fragile. My hypothesis was wrong. I thought that the jumbo eggshells would hold the most books, but they did not. The large and the extra large eggshells held the most books. The jumbo eggshells only held 16 books and the large and the extra large eggshells held 19 books for the average. What could have went wrong with my project is that I could have made the holes in the eggshells to big, but that would have been the only fault in my project. I had also went over all my procedures to make sure my data was correct. My project overall was accurate.