Freezing Time for Liquids

Which Liquid Freezes the Fastest?

I am testing which liquid freezes the fastest over the course of an hour. I froze water, milk, dish soap, apple juice, chocolate syrup, and ranch dressing. I believe the Water will freeze the fastest because is one of the most dense liquids out of all of them. I choose this topic because I believe it seems very interesting to learn about.

Testing my experiment was rather easy. What I did was get ½ cup of each liquid into a bowl put them in the freezer and set a timer for an hour. Getting the same amount of liquid into each bowl is an important component because it could take a longer or shorter amount of time to freeze depending if you have more of less liquid than the rest of your bowls. When the time was up I took them out and measured the leftover liquid that didn’t freeze with a small measuring cup.

The results for my experiments were shocking. The amount of water left on an average was 2 ml. For milk is was 5 ml. For dish soap it was 3 ml. For apple juice it was 3 ml. Lasty, ranch dressing and Chocolate syrup were 118 ml, which means they didn’t freeze at all. This shocked me because i expecting everything to freeze but I believe it was because it was because of the thickness of the liquids.

In the end my hypothesis was correct. I said water would freeze the fastest because it was one of the less dense one. On an average water measured to about 2 ml while the other liquids were 3 ml and higher. I believe I could’ve improved my experiment if I was better i measuring things because I was struggling with that part.

(first time testing)

(second time testing)

(third time testing)