Bouncing Egg


In my project I'm putting eggs in vinegar for 24 hours . I know the egg shells will dissolve and the eggs will be able to bounce, but do they grow?


    • First: I grabbed 4 eggs and measured them.

    • Second: I put white vinegar in the cups about half way.

    • Third: you wait 24 hours through the horrible smell.

  • Four: I took the eggs out (be careful the eggs are slippery) and measured them a second time.


Egg 1: was originally 1.5 inches in width and grew to 2 inches after being submerged in vinegar for 24 hours.

Egg 2: was originally 1.5 inches in width and grew to 2 inches after being submerged in vinegar for 24 hours.

Egg 3: was originally 1.5 inches in width and grew to 2.5 inches after being submerged in vinegar for 24 hours.

Egg 4: was originally 2 inches in width and grew to 3 inches after being submerged in vinegar for 24 hours.


In my project I’m going to show if an egg can grow. I will submerge eggs in vinegar for 24 hours to show if they can grow at least 2 inches. I chosed this project because it interested me. I didn't think eggs could grow. I thought it would be cool to see if an egg could grow.

I started my experiment by measuring 4 eggs and writing the measurements in inches. Then I submerged them in different cups filled with white vinegar for 24 hours. After the 24 hours I pulled the eggs out of the cups and measured them a second time. I wrote my findings down to compare the measurements, to see how much they grew.

As the eggs are under vinegar you can see the shell dissolving and the eggs growing.some of the eggs measured about 1.5 inches bigger than what they originally measured before being submerged vinegar. Some eggs measured about 2 inches bigger.

In conclusion I learned that eggs can grow but not as much as I thought. I thought they could grow at least 2 inches but the most they grew was 1 inch. I think I should've left them in vinegar for at least 48 hours instead of 24 hours for them to grow 2 inches.


In my project I learned that eggs grow but they grow very little, the most an egg grew was about an inch. I would recommend this project to a friend because while you do the project it benefits you and your friend by playing with the bouncing egg after the project is complete but here is a warning the vinegar will smell very bad.