Tough Choices to Make

Post date: Nov 18, 2013 9:31:05 PM

This past weekend, I have started looking for opportunities for after July 2014 (when I will be finished with my AmeriCorps service year). So far, I have been looking at Family and Consumer Sciences teaching jobs back in New Jersey. I also would like to renew my application for the Student Affairs Master's program at Rutgers University - also back home. I have looked at other AmeriCorps, house/dorm parent, administrative assistant, non-profit jobs, and other positions across the country. At this point, I am not attached to a location. It would be nice to teach FCS back home, so I can make an unwritten criteria on a scholarship that I had received back in high school. I also like the idea of spending another year here at the library and improving the Adult Literacy Services program that I created. However, my monthly AmeriCorps stipend is $792 after taxes. I know that I will get my income tax return next year, so I will have some extra spending money next spring. $792 is easy to spend on rent and utilities. My SNAP benefits are wonderful. I don't have to spend any money on food unless I'm eating out. The medical insurance that I have also costs me money, and as an AmeriCorps member, I am exempt from the Affordable Care Act. I am glad that I don't have any student loans, so I will be able to use my Education Award towards a graduate school program. Many graduate school programs actually give more aid and preference to AmeriCorps alum, which is great for me. At this point, I am digging into my savings from time to time for things like winter break tickets. I also have signed a deal to be an active Independent Consultant of The Pampered Chef for the next 6 months. It is against federal law for me to make a profit off of any people that I met through the AmeriCorps program, so being in this sales position is helping me make connections outside of the AmeriCorps experience. I now know of other people in Florida through the Pampered Chef. I decided to start my own Pampered Chef business after freelancing as a computer tutor did not work out for me last month. I have until April 2014 before The Pampered Chef decides if my business is profitable enough to continue supporting.