International Student Teaching Artifacts

Here are the materials that I have created for or have shared with students and teachers while student teaching 10th Grade Business Studies for 8 weeks at a residential secondary school leadership academy. The course followed the United Kingdom's Cambridge Curriculum; however, I chose to lead a frank conversation about globalization based on this then-breaking news, because it was important for the students to know it is okay to share their own experiences outside of the textbook. While taking the exams, the students were instructed to answer the Cambridge way, but in reality, the curriculum comes from a privileged angle on globalization that the students cannot relate to. All of the students in this school were from severely low socioeconomic backgrounds from across Indonesia and provided scholarships and stipends to attend this academy. Upon graduation, many of the students go on to become village leaders, because they have the highest level of education in their communities. Some pursue college in Indonesia or abroad.