Less than 1,000 Hours to Go

Post date: Dec 11, 2013 8:14:43 PM

I am gaining my hours quickly. I have less than 1,000 hours to go. I estimate that in January I will have about 900 hours to go. I have until mid-July to accumulate my hours. After Thanksgiving break, it has been difficult to get back to my sleep schedule. However, like Halloween and Thanksgiving, there are a lot of service projects in December that revolve around the holiday season. I am using my food stamps to buy healthy foods and resisting eating out as much as possible. My students are starting to ask me to stay for a 2nd year. I understand their concerns that they will change teachers every year. I have started to apply to other jobs back in New Jersey as well as two different Master's Programs at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. I will see how 2014 unfolds. For now, I am keeping my options open. Next week, I will have my first staff training experience at the library and throw a holiday party for my students. I will have about a month long break from teaching. I am hoping this give me inspiration for future lessons.