
Post date: May 12, 2014 4:45:40 PM

The AmeriCorps program allows and encourages members to network with others. I have created a LinkedIn profile and have discussed my future plans with current members, librarians, and service project coordinators. I am hoping these connections will help me gain employment after I graduate in Summer 2015 with my Master's Degree in Library and Information Science. My current site supervisor and I are discussing that I could return next summer and do an internship. Last Saturday, at a post office, I helped sort out nonperishable foods that were donated to PBC Food Bank. The Food Bank staff and a journalist were so amazed at the AmeriCorps group's efficiency and willingness to serve. We have been offered additional service projects, internships, and farmhand jobs for the summer. Last week, my students and I visited the Marina, Mangrove Park, Veterans' Memorial Park, and the Avenue of the Arts. They enjoyed those field trips. This week, I will be teaching my classes on the normal schedule. One of my AmeriCorps colleagues is also holding GED Extra Help Sessions this month and next month in the mornings. I am hoping that my students choose to come to these sessions, because they can get more one-on-one attention. I decided that I will stop teaching in mid-June. For my last month as an AmeriCorps member, I will be giving placement assessments to students individually. I am hoping to make it easier for the next AmeriCorps member to place students in the proper during class registration days.