Random Updates

Post date: Apr 14, 2014 3:20:10 PM

Last week, the field trip to the art museum was a success. 20 students showed up to the library on time. We walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. We got a tour of the museum and got on another bus back to the library. The students enjoyed the trip and hope to do more field trips in the future. Last week, a reporter and photographer also visited my classes. They did not see my morning English classes but they did see my GED class on Social Studies day. My supervisors were there too. I hope that they see the good work that I am doing. These past 2 weekends have full of service projects. This weekend is my first weekend off in a long time. Overall, I almost have 1,400 hours. I definitely know that I will be finishing strong. My morning English classes are more intrigued than ever about health and nutrition. My GED students love learning. AmeriCorps members want to tutor my adult students. My waiting list has shrunk this past month.