More Training

Post date: Aug 22, 2013 10:37:10 PM

Yesterday, we had mandatory reporters' training; confidentially and harassment training; and hurricane safety and disaster preparedness training. I am glad that there are resources for us that we can go to directly in the county for answers. In case of a hurricane or another disaster, AmeriCorps members will be evacuated and working at local shelters. Most of us live in the first zone of evacuation, and we all are required to report to duty. I think it will be interesting to work in emergency services. Today, we learned about situational awareness and self-dense through the county police. Statistics show that I am currently serving a high crime area. We talked about mental preparedness for situations to occur. I am hoping that the police gave us good advice. In addition, we did more team building activities. My group's paper tower was over 6 feet tall and sturdy. I received the keys for my new office and a semi-tour of the spaces I will be operating in. Tomorrow, we have a short meet and greet session with all of the site supervisors. I can sense a great year unfolding.